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To glitch or not to glitch

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So your choice is to go one of the many tents alot of you have and chose all these amazing rare items and kill newbs, or to play legit and get killed my people glitching and killing you while you work your way up.. is it worth it ?

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When I started playing my friends had some okay gear, nothing amazing yet. I ran around doing the whole newbie, where can i go, what can i do, how do i die, up until i found my first hatchet. I had a TON of fun doing this. Long story short however, I have been running around with an m4SD, L8, Rangefinder, etc etc.. and I have been completely bored. Unless you are putting your gear to good use, I prefer the head to head method. We killed everyone for most of our gear, server hopping is boooooring.

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