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Not Sure if Hacker, or I Just Suck

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So, being the relatively inexperience player that I am, I tend to stick to the wilderness to avoid other players. I'm very friendly, and won't shoot at anyone unless they shoot me first. Yes, I understand that I'll probably die more often than not, but I'm willing to deal with that in order to try to make the game a little bit more fun for others.

In my most recent playthrough, however, I ran into a bit of a problem. After looting the hospital in Elektro for some blood bags and morphine, I took to the hills and started heading west. Being the (presumably) smart noob that I am, I figured that staying away from cities would keep me safe from other players.

After having some success locating gear and supplies, I reached the western end of the map, north of Kamenka, and began to loot the deer stands on my way to Zelenogorsk to hit the market.

I had no luck with the deer stands, but as I was traveling just southeast of Pavlovo, something strange happened. First I was running straight ahead, then I was facing the other way. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, and I see someone in a ghillie suit running away from me. Then I hear the sound of an automatic weapon before I die.

"What the hell just happened?", I though to myself. I had done everything right. I avoided the cities, stuck to the forests, avoided hotspots. But here, in the random wilderness of a server with less than 15 people, I was shot and killed.

So I ask you, people of the DayZ forums, what the hell happened to me?

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what the hell happened to me?
I had done everything right. I avoided the cities, stuck to the forests, avoided hotspots. But here, in the random wilderness of a server with less than 15 people, I was shot and killed.

I think you answered your own question hehe

You say you were running straight ahead, you were easy to spot due to running, and this guy was probably taking a similar route to the Zeleno market.

Edited by WisdomSnork

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Probably just really unlucky, that guy could have been doing what you where doing, then just happened to see you. Highly doubt it was a bug/glitch.

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Sucks, but I enjoyed reading your story. You should become a story writer. I mean this in the most non-sarcasm way. :thumbsup:

Better luck next time. I'm sure we all know how it feels to die and say "WTF?"

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Beans for thread title, I laughed out loud. <3

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