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HELP need blood transfusion/advice

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hey guys, it appears once again i am between a rock and a hard place. i finally got some decent guns, a m16a2 m203 (yeah i even got a frag grenade round!) and a akm from a deerstand. alas i ran into a town to get supplies and got thwacked pretty good by some zed while looting and am down to 3.5k blood. so with my color fading from my screen and it shaking every few second i doubt i can be very mobile. Is there a brave soul that would be willing to help me out, i would be willing to give you either of the 2 guns i mentioned above (just 1 of them i need something to shoot with!) and be a person you know will watch your back anytime.

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I would not trust anyone to give you a blood transfusion. They will see your gun and instantly want you dead. I asked someone and ended up getting shot in the head. The best idea would be to go someone on the server to die and re-spawn. You could then go back and get your stuff.

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unfortunately i am fairly new to this game and am god awful at navigating this map so i am not sure if me finding my exact location again is doable

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... I would give you a needed transfusion for the sake of being a survivor also, but you don't know me neither do I know you, so it is always a risk (obviously having only 3.5k blood will kill you sooner or later (obviously sooner), so you have all to win and nothing to loose.

But your best bet would be to call in a trusted medic, as he has sufficient meds, skills and won't do anything to you that would harm you.

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blaster we may help you out, we got about 12 blood bags in our tent and if ur not too far from us ( otherside of the map) we should be able to help ya out. pm me if u interested and u must have vent. no in game talking sry.

also, i also have a m16a2 203, got smokes, he shits badass man....he is da best.

Edited by Bender2012

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one of the most important things i've learned in DayZ (and im really new to this, too), is the list of items you need to collect right after new-spawn

The first way should go to a big city like cerno or elektro, and, of course

search for a gun, even a hatchet can be your savor! -> BTW, you really NEED this hatchet! So go and get one, whatever your armory says!

search for a few mags, if you got a real gun (even if you have to reload the hatchet .. :D great feature! )

Go to a market and search for :

a box of matches

a hunting knife

If you're hurt, run into the wood and search for an open field (north of cerno is great for this, there are 2 barns, too! )

search and kill an animal, use the knife to get the steaks you need, cook them, eat them

with a small animal like a sheep you get 5 steaks with an amount of 800blood per steak

That calculate us to 4000 of fresh blood, without the help of a nobody/lonesome/bandit/murderer

If you get a cow down, you collect up to 8 steaks, 6400 Blood!

Dont ask another guy to help you out. Get the help you need by your own!

I often get hurt because of Snipers or bandits that cant aim or newbs using the hatchet on my head, and i NEVER was in need to ask another guy to help out, because they WONT help

Unfortunately DayZ is full of assholes

Im a nice guy. and not a murderer. following screen shows the evidence for that

but trust me, you dont get help out there from ppl you dont know!


As you can easily see i got more than 200kills, but only one murderer

and this was actually a bandit kill. The ghillie(?right)suite clown was just not fast enough to get me down

So no one can tell me that you have to kill all-you-can-see to survive in dayZ

The game will just become a lot of harder if you DONT shoot on sight. there's adrenaline, there is fear and this cold frightened feeling while you meet another survivor: "Will i loose my loot now? Maybe he's nice? maybe not? uaaaaaah"

Its a great game, even in the way i try to play it, and i really think that this is the right way !

Edited by kettenschutz
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one of the most important things i've learned in DayZ (and im really new to this, too), is the list of items you need to collect right after new-spawn

The first way should go to a big city like cerno or elektro, and, of course

search for a gun, even a hatchet can be your savor! -> BTW, you really NEED this hatchet! So go and get one, whatever your armory says!

search for a few mags, if you got a real gun (even if you have to reload the hatchet .. :D great feature! )

Go to a market and search for :

a box of matches

a hunting knife

If you're hurt, run into the wood and search for an open field (north of cerno is great for this, there are 2 barns, too! )

search and kill an animal, use the knife to get the steaks you need, cook them, eat them

with a small animal like a sheep you get 5 steaks with an amount of 800blood per steak

That calculate us to 4000 of fresh blood, without the help of a nobody/lonesome/bandit/murderer

If you get a cow down, you collect up to 8 steaks, 6400 Blood!

Dont ask another guy to help you out. Get the help you need by your own!

I often get hurt because of Snipers or bandits that cant aim or newbs using the hatchet on my head, and i NEVER was in need to ask another guy to help out, because they WONT help

Unfortunately DayZ is full of assholes

Im a nice guy. and not a murderer. following screen shows the evidence for that

but trust me, you dont get help out there from ppl you dont know!


As you can easily see i got more than 200kills, but only one murderer

and this was actually a bandit kill. The ghillie(?right)suite clown was just not fast enough to get me down

So no one can tell me that you have to kill all-you-can-see to survive in dayZ

Its a great game, even in the way i try to play it, and i really think that this is the right way !

So the lone wolf style is the way too go i find it proper lonley but you are right its a great mod i have only played 4 days back to back

i am getting killed from vet players for no other reason than what you are saying they are arseholes well played m8

Edited by skotish

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True that. ^

But it is still a good idea to team up with at least one guy, for example the upper mentioned blood transfusion and looting. Clearing building will be much easier, looting too, as one guy can cover entrance while you search for loot.

However you can perfectly live alone, just get some meat in your bag asap, you never know when some zed will strike you or some new player go all Rambo with a makarov.

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I saw three guys yesterday being chased by zombies,one of them had only a hatchet with him the other two had nothing. I run towards them with a hatchet help them out and killed the zombies, two died only one left and as

was i bandaging myself the one survivor came and smack me in the head and killed me just for my two bandages and one hatchet.

This game is going to die soon for the lone wolf players due to the asshatery that has been going on.

it seems like the COD and Battlefield 3 kiddies have found another game to play. Such a shame, the game have potential, other mindless players killing it for the others.

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I saw three guys yesterday being chased by zombies,one of them had only a hatchet with him the other two had nothing. I run towards them with a hatchet help them out and killed the zombies, two died only one left and as

was i bandaging myself the one survivor came and smack me in the head and killed me just for my two bandages and one hatchet.

This game is going to die soon for the lone wolf players due to the asshatery that has been going on.

it seems like the COD and Battlefield 3 kiddies have found another game to play. Such a shame, the game have potential, other mindless players killing it for the others.

There are no "COD and Battlefield 3 kiddies" in DayZ, only a bunch of bloodthirsty people you can't trust and then you get the odd good guy who you can work with for some time maybe. I think it's pretty realistic actually. I know what you mean with the "kiddies" but I wouldn't call them that, I just think that's how they play, and people willing to play more friendly roles in this game simply have to act accordingly, and with great caution. Bandit assholes add to the fun of the game!

For example, check this guy out -- he is a fully legit, full-time medic who runs a whole damn field corps on VA18: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/

With this kind of stuff going on out there, it won't be long before we have entire survivor camps complete with paramilitary security, police, field hospital and a duly elected mayor :) This game will not die anytime soon.

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im pretty sure there are a lot of BF and COD players inside DayZ

Just take a look at the HUGE amount of players. up to 20.000 at the same time on dayZ servers.

thats not just "fanmates", thats the whole world, and there are a lot of people which tries to define a new ego-shooter

But generally those kidz will die faster as they can respawn, because joking with zed's its not that easy, if you're not careful ;)

Youre last statement would be to nice to be real. A "real" world with field hospitals, police and so on. Would be awesome to got an stick-together game with thousands of peoples

Im looking forward in the future of DayZ. Im pretty sure we will certanly undergo a few more nice changes in gameplay and look-a-like ;o)

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I find it fascinating that people blame CoD and BF3 for the amount of Banditry in this game.

I've come to believe that the sheer amount of banditry is just people expressing their exploitative nature..

If, god forbid, something like this were to really happen I wouldn't be surprised if lone wolfing and banditry became common.

Though it's immoral, it's a pretty decent way to survive.

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I find it fascinating that people blame CoD and BF3 for the amount of Banditry in this game.

I've come to believe that the sheer amount of banditry is just people expressing their exploitative nature..

If, god forbid, something like this were to really happen I wouldn't be surprised if lone wolfing and banditry became common.

Though it's immoral, it's a pretty decent way to survive.



  • Conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.

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I find it fascinating that people blame CoD and BF3 for the amount of Banditry in this game.

I've come to believe that the sheer amount of banditry is just people expressing their exploitative nature..

If, god forbid, something like this were to really happen I wouldn't be surprised if lone wolfing and banditry became common.

Though it's immoral, it's a pretty decent way to survive.

nah, you dont get it.

Thats not the topic, and it never was

For myself i didnt have problems with bandits. Sometimes i need to be one for myself.

But a bandit is Not(!!!) a murderer

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hey guys, it appears once again i am between a rock and a hard place. i finally got some decent guns, a m16a2 m203 (yeah i even got a frag grenade round!) and a akm from a deerstand. alas i ran into a town to get supplies and got thwacked pretty good by some zed while looting and am down to 3.5k blood. so with my color fading from my screen and it shaking every few second i doubt i can be very mobile. Is there a brave soul that would be willing to help me out, i would be willing to give you either of the 2 guns i mentioned above (just 1 of them i need something to shoot with!) and be a person you know will watch your back anytime.

I'll come to wherever your at if you need help with a transfusion, I had plenty of blood yesterday and no way to administer it. It made no difference anyway I was shot while looking at my map in the back corner of a grocery store lol

You can keep your gear I don't want anything in return, unless you want someone to run with of course. I'm finding that being somewhat of a noob that it would be nice to have a good friend in the game that I can trust.

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