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A long, logical approach to the "Bandit Problem"

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As said in my previous post on this thread' date=' why is "Player 2" still anywhere near the coast?

And this game isn't anything like COD, even when people decide to shoot everything that moves. Please stop making these statements.


See my prior reply where I explain that expecting one player of a type to travel to distant lands to enjoy the game is unrealistic and punishing if you simply allow the other mindset players to spawn and immediately enjoy their playstyle.

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Your "grouping" based on opinion of play style is definitely judging players for their actions. You kill this person, so now you spawn here (aka farther away from the new player areas).

As everyone is saying in this thread, if you have the time to complain about the same person respawning and trying to kill you, your time would be better spent moving away from the coast.

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I like that idea a lot' date=' but I don't like the idea of "punishing" bandits. Nobody should "know" you are a bandit, really.


I know I presented as a possible punishment but I personally see it more as a golden opportunity.

For a survivor, it's a safe zone, a place they can finally rest without fear of Zeds or bandits. For a bandit, it's a prize to be claimed, something they'd need to work together as a group to seize.

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I just don't really understand the persistence in some folks about remaining near the shore. The only way someone could deathmatch you, by respawning over and over, would be if you stayed near the coast. Not only stayed near the coast, but they respawned near you come their next life.

If someone wants to kill you, they're going to try. Why make it easy for them and stay in the area you killed them at? At least relocate.

I don't have any respect for the respawn bandits that do nothing but romp around feeling tough in cherno and elektro, but I've accepted that risk is there and remove myself from the equation.

The problem is when you start trying to draw lines or do anything, even remotely, to influence the games behavior towards you based upon your humanity rating, you start down a slippery slop. It becomes punishing people for playing the game. It is really that simple. Being a bandit, killing other players, is part of the game.

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All the suggestions to nerf banditry are not in the spirit of the game I think. As is rewarding cooperation by giving you more stuff when you spawn. Cooperation should be it's own reward, since you'll have an easier time surviving together.

The idea of NPC protected towns is downright horrible. How long till the entire map gets cleared of Zs?

NPC guards vs bandits? Even worse.

And I have yet to shoot a single player ingame, so this is not coming from some kind of "I'm a bandit and I don't wanna get nerfed"-thing.

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As said in my previous post on this thread' date=' why is "Player 2" still anywhere near the coast?

And this game isn't anything like COD, even when people decide to shoot everything that moves. Please stop making these statements.


See my prior reply where I explain that expecting one player of a type to travel to distant lands to enjoy the game is unrealistic and punishing if you simply allow the other mindset players to spawn and immediately enjoy their playstyle.

It is also unrealistic that you can play again once you die.

The better loot is in the north, as is the wilderness. It takes time to get there. If you can only enjoy the game on the coast where loot and players are in abundance and need to be "enjoying your playstyle" right when you spawn then this may not be the game for you. It takes maybe 5 minutes of running to get away from the coast. It is actually so easy. You are acting as if you need to run for days to escape the spawn points of the murderous COD players who hunt you with their every life.

This ^^^^

I agree with pack wolf 100%

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See my prior reply where I explain that expecting one player of a type to travel to distant lands to enjoy the game is unrealistic and punishing if you simply allow the other mindset players to spawn and immediately enjoy their playstyle.

Here's the rub Judge. Get away from the coast. Its where all these less-desirable people go to kill other people; the loot, while at times decent, is nothing compared to the bounties of the north. There's another 90% of the map you are refusing to experience because you 'want to have your cake and eat it too'. You want to have fun the second you spawn, but you can't, because of people trying to kill you. You say it is unfair that they get to enjoy the game but you can't. Doesn't that seem a little asinine to you?

You can enjoy the game, you just don't want to have to work for it? You want to just have things on your terms right away? I mean, I just can't support a sentiment like that, not in a game like this. I don't enjoy sitting in the cities near the coast, I don't care it takes me 30 to 40 minutes to start getting into areas I enjoy exploring in the event I get killed. It sucks at times, but it's the nature of the beast.

A safe zone of any kind, even if it could be overrun is completely against the whole intention of this mod. The only safe zones should be ones players create and defend themselves.

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Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style over another WILL destroy this mod. End of story. Theres no way around it.

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.

1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit.

2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys, I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod.

Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same.

There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.

One more way to view it:

1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand!

2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi!

Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke.


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Here is my short, common-sense approach to the "Bandit Problem":

Leave the coast. Form a group with like-minded, trustworthy individuals. Get well-equipped and supplied. Kill anything that threatens.

This is one of the many things that Rocket has already made perfect. No need for any changes.

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.

1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit.

2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys' date=' I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod.

Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same.

There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.

One more way to view it:

1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand!

2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi!

Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke.



No. What youre seeing is emergent play styles as a result of the mod in its current state. Nothing you are seeing is specifically engineered by Rocket to happen. Yes at the moment, cooperation is low. But the mod isnt complete, complaining about bandits now is like complaining your yolk isnt cooked when youve just put the eggs into the pan. Your suggestion that bandits should somehow be more likely to attract zombies is ludicrous. You need to stop suggesting ideas based on what you perceive to be right and wrong. That is THE antithetical idea to what this mod is about.

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Good post, but I propose a different set of solutions.

-Make tents less buggy so they don't dupe, disappear, eat items, etc. Make tents packable by anyone so people can move their own tents after they die (after getting their saved gear back). As it is right now, dying isn't the problem. It's having to find a new tent so I can keep saving stuff in my stash.

-Make vehicles less buggy so they don't disappear, eat items, etc. Many vehicles are mobile tents. Sadly, they are buggy as hell. Also, they allow friends to pick up other friends so they don't have to travel so far after death.

I've got gear laying around multiple servers (I track it with map screenshots and footnotes). Good gear. It's not hard to get good gear in this game. It's just hard to keep items in tents and vehicles when they despawn and eat your items. It's also hard to get back to your tent when vehicles are so freakin' rare. Add a 2nd boat and some more crumby cars. Add a tank for the hardcores.

Rocket says he is saving the humanity feature for a future patch. At that point, I expect the pros and cons of killing people will be at balance again. For now... kill all on sight.

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I'm going to go out and kill someone just because of this post.

So mature. I bet a lot of people are shaking at their homes because of your threat.

@On topic.

The point is, you shouldn't be required to gather people outside the game on teamspeak/vent/mumble/ to team up, and that's what's fuckin happening at the moment.

I have died countless times trying to team up as thousands of people in the forums do every day.

No one with a sane mind have even THOUGHT about removing pvp or nerfing bandits, and yet are labeled as "carebears". Go fuck yourselves.

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.


that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.


Again' date=' this is on you. It doesn't even matter if they spawned away from the cities, people go there to kill newbie survivors. I see it all day long. It's why I get out of dodge the moment I spawn. It sounds selfish, you're acting like all these "other players" are the selfish ones, they get theirs why can't I get mine. But you don't want [i']your game-play hindered. You want the game to push others further away from you.

Some bandits specifically travel from the north to the coastal cities for the purpose of killing newbie survivors. It's ten miles of bad road.

You say you tire of repeating yourself, but you're not making a very compelling case. "I could bring an umbrella or go inside, but the rain should be moved further away from me".

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.

1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit.

2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys' date=' I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod.

Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same.

There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.

One more way to view it:

1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand!

2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi!

Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke.



No. What youre seeing is emergent play styles as a result of the mod in its current state. Nothing you are seeing is specifically engineered by Rocket to happen. Yes at the moment, cooperation is low. But the mod isnt complete, complaining about bandits now is like complaining your yolk isnt cooked when youve just put the eggs into the pan. Your suggestion that bandits should somehow be more likely to attract zombies is ludicrous. You need to stop suggesting ideas based on what you perceive to be right and wrong. That is THE antithetical idea to what this mod is about.

Yeah I wasn't a big fan of that one, either...

However, there's nothing in my post talking about "right and wrong"... for the 50th time... is it right to like pepsi as opposed to coke? No. So, what's wrong with starting obviously like-minded players closer to themselves? How is that "punishing" or "hindering"?

Survival is about natural selection. Behavior, such as homicidal mania, is not conducive to long term selection or survival. Intelligent killing of competition here and there can increase viability of an organism, but the method of play invoked by many is NOT realistic. Instead of "punishing it" or "judging it" a solution is presented to "gently segregate" it. No game rules change. Nothing was considered "bad". Simply "unrealistic". And unrealistic play is still viable, but pushed up the coast a little and made to work its way down.

This way, "run away from the coast immediately" doesn't have to be the automatic mantra of ever survivalist player. Players who still want to grief can do so, but now they share the "travel" burden with people who don't want to play that same way, BUT, only when they wish to "grief" players who have demonstrated that they are NOT playing in that same way.

Out in the field, nothing changes. I still pump a couple rounds in the back of some poor sap's head for his beans because I ran out, and then later get murdered by some scared dude in a barn who thought I was going to be a bandit to him, too.

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.

1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit.

2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys' date=' I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod.

Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same.

There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.

One more way to view it:

1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand!

2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi!

Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke.



No. What youre seeing is emergent play styles as a result of the mod in its current state. Nothing you are seeing is specifically engineered by Rocket to happen. Yes at the moment, cooperation is low. But the mod isnt complete, complaining about bandits now is like complaining your yolk isnt cooked when youve just put the eggs into the pan. Your suggestion that bandits should somehow be more likely to attract zombies is ludicrous. You need to stop suggesting ideas based on what you perceive to be right and wrong. That is THE antithetical idea to what this mod is about.

Yeah I wasn't a big fan of that one, either...

However, there's nothing in my post talking about "right and wrong"... for the 50th time... is it right to like pepsi as opposed to coke? No. So, what's wrong with starting obviously like-minded players closer to themselves? How is that "punishing" or "hindering"?

Survival is about natural selection. Behavior, such as homicidal mania, is not conducive to long term selection or survival. Intelligent killing of competition here and there can increase viability of an organism, but the method of play invoked by many is NOT realistic. Instead of "punishing it" or "judging it" a solution is presented to "gently segregate" it. No game rules change. Nothing was considered "bad". Simply "unrealistic". And unrealistic play is still viable, but pushed up the coast a little and made to work its way down.

This way, "run away from the coast immediately" doesn't have to be the automatic mantra of ever survivalist player. Players who still want to grief can do so, but now they share the "travel" burden with people who don't want to play that same way, BUT, only when they wish to "grief" players who have demonstrated that they are NOT playing in that same way.

Out in the field, nothing changes. I still pump a couple rounds in the back of some poor sap's head for his beans because I ran out, and then later get murdered by some scared dude in a barn who thought I was going to be a bandit to him, too.

by moving all the bandits away you are making the game safer/easier for survivors and punishing bandits by making it more difficult for them

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How tiring to constantly repeat myself.

1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit.

2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys' date=' I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod.

Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same.

There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support.

One more way to view it:

1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand!

2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi!

Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke.



No. What youre seeing is emergent play styles as a result of the mod in its current state. Nothing you are seeing is specifically engineered by Rocket to happen. Yes at the moment, cooperation is low. But the mod isnt complete, complaining about bandits now is like complaining your yolk isnt cooked when youve just put the eggs into the pan. Your suggestion that bandits should somehow be more likely to attract zombies is ludicrous. You need to stop suggesting ideas based on what you perceive to be right and wrong. That is THE antithetical idea to what this mod is about.

Yeah I wasn't a big fan of that one, either...

However, there's nothing in my post talking about "right and wrong"... for the 50th time... is it right to like pepsi as opposed to coke? No. So, what's wrong with starting obviously like-minded players closer to themselves? How is that "punishing" or "hindering"?

Survival is about natural selection. Behavior, such as homicidal mania, is not conducive to long term selection or survival. Intelligent killing of competition here and there can increase viability of an organism, but the method of play invoked by many is NOT realistic. Instead of "punishing it" or "judging it" a solution is presented to "gently segregate" it. No game rules change. Nothing was considered "bad". Simply "unrealistic". And unrealistic play is still viable, but pushed up the coast a little and made to work its way down.

This way, "run away from the coast immediately" doesn't have to be the automatic mantra of ever survivalist player. Players who still want to grief can do so, but now they share the "travel" burden with people who don't want to play that same way, BUT, only when they wish to "grief" players who have demonstrated that they are NOT playing in that same way.

Out in the field, nothing changes. I still pump a couple rounds in the back of some poor sap's head for his beans because I ran out, and then later get murdered by some scared dude in a barn who thought I was going to be a bandit to him, too.

But these discussions are utterly pointless. The state of cooperation is blindingly obvious, but this is an Alpha it is nowhere near completion, teething problems should be viewed as just that.

My problem is, due to the nature of the engine and the game, your suggestions just wont work, either way youre going to NEED to introduce some sort of mechanic that actively punishes/rewards players for certain actions, whether you specify them in your suggestions or not. Also 'like minded' is a completely arbitrary parameter, whats to stop me, a bandit, stopping banditry for a few hours (or however long it takes), playing cooperatively, killing myself then respawning with the other 'like minded players' and murdering them that way?

Any specific mechanic you suggest or introduce to curtail or encourage a certain type of gameplay will be open to exploitation.

Its in alpha, there are a huge variety of issues that are far far more pressing than people shooting each other.

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OK so the solution people are posting here are "if you don't want to get killed again, go inland." Do you guys really understand what your saying is, "if your upset you just got killed by a bandit, when you respawn head inland with no idea where you are or where you are going, and hope you can find enough supplies to survive before you starve/freeze/get eaten by zombies."

I know a lot of people like to cheat by pulling up a map in google and alt tabbing, or are familiar enough with the map such that you can get your bearings somewhat without one. In a real life scenario such as this, if your idea for surviving was just to say fuck it and run for the nearest wood. Congratulations! you don't have to worry about dieing from zombies/bandits. You just killed yourself.

There needs to be some consequence for constantly running around killing survivors without a care in the world. In a real life zombie apocolypse, despite what people might think, there ARE consequences. Every person you kill, every can of beans you eat, every bullet you fire, that's one less in the world. One that's likely never to be replaced. So yes, you can go on your murder spree, you can kill everyone you see, the consequent in real life is that you'll just stop seeing people, you'll stop finding bullets, you'll run out of canned beans.

TL/DR: I think in this game there is already less consequence for banditry than there is in a similar real life scenario. I think we need to fix that.

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You say you tire of repeating yourself' date=' but you're not making a very compelling case. "I could bring an umbrella or go inside, but the rain should be moved further away from me".


Your quip assumes that Deathmatch player's behaviors are an insurmountable and inevitable force like rain. It also assumes that I stand on the beach waiting for them to kill me. It's wrong on both counts.

Observe some pseudocode:

if (player.humanity < 0){







That's essentially the whole change that I'm recommending. Simple. Doesn't hurt anyone. At worst you are misclassified as a bandit and your next life starts out just a smidge rougher with a 10 minute jaunt down the beach at the beginning of it. At best, you spawn and the probability of being shot to death within 3 minutes (and put back in the 45 minute spawn queue cycle) is mildly reduced.

You might even actually start to communicate with people who spawn near you, *gasp*... a great benefit to those of us who don't come to the game with a legion of buddies from some horrid Goon-spawning forum somewhere, permanently connected mouth-ear with a dozen 15 year old miscreants via teamspeak or ventrilo.

You were right about saying that it's complaining that the egg isn't finished cooking yet because it's an alpha, but we're talking about future features here, not pretending that the current game is complete.

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OK so the solution people are posting here are "if you don't want to get killed again' date=' go inland." Do you guys really understand what your saying is, "if your upset you just got killed by a bandit, when you respawn head inland with no idea where you are or where you are going, and hope you can find enough supplies to survive before you starve/freeze/get eaten by zombies."

I know a lot of people like to cheat by pulling up a map in google and alt tabbing, or are familiar enough with the map such that you can get your bearings somewhat without one. In a real life scenario such as this, if your idea for surviving was just to say fuck it and run for the nearest wood. Congratulations! you don't have to worry about dieing from zombies/bandits. You just killed yourself.

There needs to be some consequence for constantly running around killing survivors without a care in the world. In a real life zombie apocolypse, despite what people might think, there ARE consequences. Every person you kill, every can of beans you eat, every bullet you fire, that's one less in the world. One that's likely never to be replaced. So yes, you can go on your murder spree, you can kill everyone you see, the consequent in real life is that you'll just stop seeing people, you'll stop finding bullets, you'll run out of canned beans.

TL/DR: I think in this game there is already less consequence for banditry than there is in a similar real life scenario. I think we need to fix that.


But then you need to introduce a punishment for playing as someone who doesnt go round killing everyone. As soon as you introduce a punishment for a certain play style, even if it is killing everyone, you remove any incentive there is to play that way. Start punishing player killing and you STOP player killing. Then the mod dies.

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Your suggestion about "what's to stop you from stopping banditry for a few hours..." ... NOTHING. As a new player just trying to survive without being shot quite so randomly, i just got A FEW HOURS to prepare for you, since you shot me to death 3 times already in Chern. Simple.

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I completely agree with the thrust the OP is making, I made a similar thread about incentivizing behavior. This game is interesting because most games are kill on sight, BF3, COD, etc. In those games, everyone is a wolf, the goal is the be the best killer to survive. What makes this mod interesting is the fact that it allows you to play as a sheep and survive among wolves. If it gets to the point where most people adopt a "shoot on sight" attitude, then the game becomes mostly wolves, and the very thing that made it cool no longer exists. Then it's just PVP with some NPCs as fodder.

This is why the Humanity score and the bandit skin were cool, because it was a small incentive that allowed for people to play as sheep and gave you a visual hint as to who might be a wolf. Now that's gone, as is one of the few things that might encourage people to play as sheep.

Yes, one of the points is that the mod allows for whatever style you choose to play. However, if it becomes only wolves, then it literally is like every other FPS shooter on the market. It's kind of sad that people can only see this argument as being "carebear", because that is not the point. If it is only sheep (PVE) it's boring, if it's only wolves (PVP), it's boring. The WHOLE POINT is to have an environment that gives both play styles a chance to thrive. It's not exciting to play a sheep if there are no wolves.

By default, anytime you play a shooter, people will adopt the wolf mentality. That is exactly why I installed this mod, because I've never seen a game that allowed sheeps and wolves to mingle with some measure of success. If this is not preserved, the uniqueness is gone with it.

Who knows what the best way to accomplish this is, but it's important to what makes this experiment special.

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I don't see Bandits as a problem because this game is suppose to have PVP and Bandits are part of the game.

The only problem I really see is carebares crying trying to get them removed or trying to change the game, if you don't like PVP why are you playing this game?

I'm just baffled by all this.

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by moving all the bandits away you are making the game safer/easier for survivors and punishing bandits by making it more difficult for them

I don't follow? how is grouping the bandits together make it more difficult for them? Are you saying it's not fair that your not allowed to drop a wolf in the middle of a herd of sheep?

Seems to me your just wanting to make it easier for bandits who don't give a shit about dieing to be able to harass someone who does care about dieing.

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