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Irenicus (DayZ)

Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

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And yet turning up HDR is one of the biggest killers of my FPS, object quality being the biggest. Not sure what you're getting at by your post, as I mostly just talked about the settings that can't be disabled.

Where is everyone getting the idea that ArmA renders things on GPU only on high settings? GPU usage is low and CPU usage is rather high, so this seems to be incorrect. Perhaps the engine is running differently on different computers? Either way, players should go to the video options and test all configurations to see what gives them the best FPS. For me, lower always provides better FPS with no exceptions.

I never said that, but yes, every PC is different. For me, setting most options lower gives better FPS, except for shadows and most of all 3d resolution; setting this lower than my native res results in lower FPS

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Shadows are the only option afaik that switch between GPU and CPU depending on High(GPU) or Normal(CPU) setting.

Quoting for probable truth. Spreading information on forums is like playing Chinese whispers.

I never said that, but yes, every PC is different.

Thanks for confirming, I was unsure about that.

For me, setting most options lower gives better FPS, except for shadows and most of all 3d resolution; setting this lower than my native res results in lower FPS

Ahuh... To anyone reading, ignore his post and try decreasing 3d resolution, it has the largest impact on my performance. Turning up FXAA sharp filter helps a bit with the loss of visibility caused by low resolutions.

Object detail also changes how far you will see objects to a degree. View distance has no influence in DayZ as that setting is server controlled. But if you change your object detail to low or normal, you can see players further away. I only discovered this through trial and error.

I read that object detail doesn't affect how far away you can see players at all... But things like doorways in houses won't appear at low object detail from a distance, reducing your ability to see players...

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Edited by Naka

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Quoting for probable truth. Spreading information on forums is like playing Chinese whispers.

Thanks for confirming, I was unsure about that.

Ahuh... To anyone reading, ignore his post and try decreasing 3d resolution, it has the largest impact on my performance. Turning up FXAA sharp filter helps a bit with the loss of visibility caused by low resolutions.

I read that object detail doesn't affect how far away you can see players at all... But things like doorways in houses won't appear at low object detail from a distance, reducing your ability to see players...

There's an edit button below your post. Unless postcounts make you hard, you can use it to avoid doubleposting.

Well I can say for certain object detail DOES in fact affect viewable distance of players. Try it for yourself don't take my word for it, but I assure you I try my best NOT to post saying things I am certain of when I am not. You will note, view distance makes no difference in DayZ yes? Well, not only does objdetail render better textures at higher distances it is the only way to increase WHAT you see at distance. Trey it while overlooking a town and see for yourself, there will be stuff you cant see at lowest objdet, crank it up to normal and watch what happens. Also test with a friend, get him to run away from you somewhere with clear visibility. Watch how far you can see him before he dissapears, try lowest obj detail, note how far he got (use visual markers if you dont have a range finder) then do the same again at low and normal. I know for a fact you will confirm what I have said once you test this.

Also about 3d res. Puttin it at lower res definitely makes a difference but for me it's a negative gain, and I'm not the only one reporting this. Of course again every PC is different and it will depend on what is bottlenecking your PC. Please don't tell people to ignore advice just because it doesnt work for you

When I say higher 3d res is better, I mean set it to your native res, not above. Cranking it up to the max would just be silly and of course gives less FPS. Lower than my native res gives lower FPS too. I don't just post this shit for no reason and I am very meticulous when it comes to tweaking and testing. So if I say something works, even if it may not work for you, it does not mean EVERYONE should ignore it, because it's different for everyone.

Sorry for the double posting, shall try to edit more lol

Edited by Irenicus

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I never doubted lowering the res decreases your FPS. The keyword in my post is "try" since native resolution is default (if not, who coded this game?! oh wait, Bohemia interactive).

I have a written assignment due soon, would you like to write another essay for me? :)

Edited by Naka

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Object detail also changes how far you will see objects to a degree. View distance has no influence in DayZ as that setting is server controlled. But if you change your object detail to low or normal, you can see players further away. I only discovered this through trial and error.


Ya thats why if you set it below 150000 in your profile you get lower polygon models and less detail/objects at distance.

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Core 2 Duo E8400

ATI HD 6870


Windows 7 64bit

in cities : 10-15 FPS

landscapes : 20-30 FPS

low-middle graphic options, no AA

Edited by donaldfactory

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Actually Rocket stated in a meeting (lost the link) that zombies spawned are hosted by the server, but once agro'd its up to the client.

Ahhh I see. Well It is hard to know what to believe sometimes? I'll have to find out more on this subject.

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blah blah blardy blah

No, your key word was "ignore" telling people that I was basically talking shit.

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and btw it's my thread so I can make multiple posts if I so choose :) Deal with it. (only directed at Naka)

Or am I in trouble now? :P

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Hoping this game becomes more optimized soon. I get about 50 fps on the countryside, 30 fps in towns, drops to about 20 at worst. It's playable of course, but not that pleasant. Everything is set to low. I'd say my build is mid end, but it still can't get decent frames when every setting is bare minimum.


Windows 7 64bit ultimate

XFX radeon 6870 (dual fan)

i5 2400 3.1ghz

4GB ddr3 1333mhz

Might just upgrade the ram to 8gb, see if it does anything.

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Misc. Laptop +3 ys.

Windows Vista™ Ultimate 64, sp2

Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz

4094MB RAM

NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 512MB (d) 1791 MB (s)

SATA 1.5Gb/s

Pretty crappy fps: 5-10 town/city and 8-15 countryside on overall low settings... not done tweaking yet, but i doubt it´ll ever be "nice".

Well shame on me for doubting that, ´cause i just gained a noteable increase in fps after creating a RAMdisk! *woot*

Now i seem to get a minimum of 15-20 fps in pretty densely populated areas and up to late 30´s in the sticks.

I just got started on this tool too, so this increase came from running only the DayZ mod-files on the disk...

I bet there´s more to gain from this by adding various commonly used files from the Arma base-folder.

Here´s a link to the thread, containing an easy guide to set up RAMdisk, that helped me: ( thread should be a sticky imo! )


Good lcuk!

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These are my specs:

win 7 64bit

i7 2630QM @ 2.00GHz

6gb RAM

ATI Radeon 6770m w/ 1gb ram

I struggle to get above 10 fps on any settings really, and it's really pretty annoying. There have been times where I spike up to 20 fps in town even, but I don't know what's doing it. Any ideas? This is a laptop with switchable graphics, so could that have anything to do with it?

Thanks in advance.

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i have dual grapgics laptop. i just turned it off and it runs alot better

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win7 64bit

i5 2500k @4.7ghz

8gb ram

crossfire 6950 2gb

Steady 60fps countryside and small towns with everything set to very high except for HDR and object detail which sits on high. Also went with FXAA high + sharp filter. Major cities like Elektro and Cherno do cause some serious drops depending on the server.

The recent updates helped my framerate quite a bit. But I am having some serious LOD switching issues.

Edited by Menny

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How do you turn off the dual graphics? I think I have it set to use the ati card when playing dayz, but it really doesn't make sense why my machine gets such poor performance.

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right click desktop. there should be a option to go into graphics setup there, then just explore,

i went for 20-30 in the wilderness and 5-15 in cities, to 40-50 and 20-30 in cities by turning off crossfire

Edited by E-Z

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same thing keeps happening to me

before the latest update, i was running the country side at 28~41 fps ( on normal settings ) and the cities at around 17~26 (again on normal) then the latest update came out and now i run the game at nearly unplayable frame rates! ive gotten as low as 4 in cities and as high as 14 in the country. i will list me PC specs below im aware its not the best gaming PC out there but i should at least be able to run this on normal settings. is this drop in frames due to the newest patch ? bad coding ? any help would be appreciated !

PC Specs:

Processor: AMD A8-3510MX with Radeon HD Graphics

Graphics: AMD Radeon 6620G

RAM: 8 gigs

OS: Windows 7 premium 64-bit

if other PC spec info would be more helpful let me know!

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Hoping this game becomes more optimized soon. I get about 50 fps on the countryside, 30 fps in towns, drops to about 20 at worst. It's playable of course, but not that pleasant. Everything is set to low. I'd say my build is mid end, but it still can't get decent frames when every setting is bare minimum.


Windows 7 64bit ultimate

XFX radeon 6870 (dual fan)

i5 2400 3.1ghz

4GB ddr3 1333mhz

Might just upgrade the ram to 8gb, see if it does anything.

Wow it goes to show my PC is pretty damn good for an old fart. I'm now getting decent FPS again after more tweaking and things still look very nice in game. You gotta tweak that fucker! :P

I have a intel core 2 duo @2.8Ghz, 6 gigs of DDR2 @ 800 Mhz, and a Nvidia geforce 550 Ti, and i get 25 fps in cities with everything on high, and get 50-60 fps in the wilderness.

errrrrr wrong thread for you my friend. That's what WE want. I don't think I can expect more than current FPS. I am now getting 12-20 FPS in cities, 30-45 in wilderness :)

Edited by Irenicus

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Contrary to this entire thread, my FPS has increased significantly since, from ~25FPS in the country and 15+ in the cities, to about 60 in the country and 40 in cities.

WinXP Professional

Radeon HD 4600

2gb of ram

Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2200

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Hoping this game becomes more optimized soon. I get about 50 fps on the countryside, 30 fps in towns, drops to about 20 at worst. It's playable of course, but not that pleasant. Everything is set to low. I'd say my build is mid end, but it still can't get decent frames when every setting is bare minimum.


Windows 7 64bit ultimate

XFX radeon 6870 (dual fan)

i5 2400 3.1ghz

4GB ddr3 1333mhz

Might just upgrade the ram to 8gb, see if it does anything.

arma is capped at 2gig ram, the only thing that would increase it is if you increase the mhz.

also the i5 can easily be overclocked to 3.6ghz

Edited by unknownuser

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What tool(s) do you use to monitor your hardware? I usually just estimate FPS based on experience, so I don't have hard numbers. And do you use something other than Task Manager to monitor CPU usage? I'd love to get some hard data, as I'm having many of the same problems you all are having.

CPU, GPU, FPS, ping, temperatures, etc...

And yes, I'm sure I could just Google it, but asking you all is so much more fun.

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Win 7 64bit

GPU: GTX 680

CPU: i5 2500k 3.2ghz

16 GB ram

running off an ssd and i get 1 frame every 30-40 seconds and thats only if i can join the server 90% of the time i sit in the black loading screen for 20+ minutes and nothing happens all settings on default why is this happening:/ at some point i joined a server and my game was fine but was kicked for high ping have tried atleast 15+ servers all the same problem

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