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Hacker on SG1

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* Server this happened on.

Dayz SG 1 Server.

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

between 2030 - 2050 GMT+8 Singapore

* What happened during the incident.

Found a player in our base camp, shot and killed him. 'Nicholas Cage was killed'. Saw him teleport back at the same location with the same gear with Godmode active. Unable to kill him I kicked him off the server using ingame admin powers.

Server was safe for 20 mins before a new hacker (could be him using a different account) breaking the legs of everyone in the server and mass teleport to NWAF for a round of thunderdome.

I have since brought down the whole server to keep the integrity of it.

GPUID - 4eab77b05a802412d2d2c20278a1100b Nicholas Cage.

All further updates/hackers found for this server will be updated on this thread please look at the posts below

Edited by blackgoofguy

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Player #6 Matthew - GUID: 841784efb988796fa22f8a0ed52360a4

Found this player, killed him. 2 mins later he teleports directly on top of my teammates with the same exact weapon and mows them down. Kicked him off the server using ingame admin powers and the server remains safe.

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4 more hackers teleporting right in front of my group. Apparently they also hacked spawn a fully working UH1H and left it outside the confines of the map.

Player #23 forest - GUID: c6732a106484e4878b9d6ce76cf06f77

Player #22 milk - GUID: b913363a785e22c30a75fa1dd2d24632

Player #19 :FTBA:SaToo - GUID: e9bec6ec63b5b809594b1f35d41e4069

Player #14 taokaka - GUID: 77847897cb8691d3ffdfb68af12bd55c

Thank you for banning nicholas cage, he's been a pain in the neck and my wallet.

Edited by blackgoofguy

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Coming from the guy who resets his server everytime he gets killed or has stuff stolen from his camp.

I remember killing you and some other guy(lucky/lacky???) at your camp and then driving off with your truck, which was FULL of rare and very rare items(20+ of everything, so maybe you're the hacker) then no more than 20sec later server reset. I think i got you again and two other guys and same thing, server reset and then you banned me cos i must be cheating when i find your sh*t easy to find camp and kill 2 or 3 tards who suck at the game.

So f*#k you and your server, just go have a cry and ban people that are better than you

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