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Reduce Infected Speed To That Of Crouch Run ????

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I know there has been many post on how zed's speed is screwed ect ect .

Many of ya have probally played the running game when unequipped for the majority of a hour after spawning , or how about trying to change to side arm to save ammo whilst being chased only to stop dead whilst the animation goes thru its motions to be smacked and dropped with 1 hit breaking legs and knocking u unconcious.

As they are its just fustratng , if they had a max speed equivilent to your crouching run speed this would give u the chance to atleast make some distance to be able to escape or even to just change weapon to sidearm.

A couple of patches ago i was on a server with 1400 zed's and it ran well , maybe if they that tad slower u can increase the amounts of them , and make them as relentless if not more in there persuit of u , this may take away from the banditry also as ppls will have to band together more to enter the towns/citys where more zeds will be.

1 or 2 zeds chasing u isnt frightening its just plain annoying , i would sooner have 20-30 slower moving zeds on my case where i can run , put some distance turn and drop a few then continue .

let the flaming commence :)

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Well thats a good idea but crouch running speed the devs would never go for that, what about just plain running speed so every time they try to hit you... You get a little bit further away..

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If they ran at Crouch run speed, there would be no sense of urgency in trying to get away. You could simply just out run them every single time, make them lose interest. I agree that it's annoying that you can get knocked out in 1-2 hits, but that adds a serious fight or flight element to the game. You either stand your ground and kill the infected before he gets to you, or you run away and try to lose him in one of the many ways there are to lose a zombie.

What you are suggesting is too close to the "fish in a barrel" scenario, which would really make the game too easy. It also leaves lots of room to exploit it. team of 5 people goes into a town, one person runs in, shoots a shot in the air while his friends hide, and runs all the infected around in circles while friends loot the town dry. There is no real risk for the person doing the kiting, except maybe other players.

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One solution would be a stamina system so you can't run indefinitely, but i'm sure people would complain about being forced to walk to conserve energy.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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I know there has been many post on how zed's speed is screwed ect ect .

Many of ya have probally played the running game when unequipped for the majority of a hour after spawning , or how about trying to change to side arm to save ammo whilst being chased only to stop dead whilst the animation goes thru its motions to be smacked and dropped with 1 hit breaking legs and knocking u unconcious.

As they are its just fustratng , if they had a max speed equivilent to your crouching run speed this would give u the chance to atleast make some distance to be able to escape or even to just change weapon to sidearm.

A couple of patches ago i was on a server with 1400 zed's and it ran well , maybe if they that tad slower u can increase the amounts of them , and make them as relentless if not more in there persuit of u , this may take away from the banditry also as ppls will have to band together more to enter the towns/citys where more zeds will be.

1 or 2 zeds chasing u isnt frightening its just plain annoying , i would sooner have 20-30 slower moving zeds on my case where i can run , put some distance turn and drop a few then continue .

let the flaming commence :)

Well thats a good idea but crouch running speed the devs would never go for that, what about just plain running speed so every time they try to hit you... You get a little bit further away..

+1 except with normal running speed.

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Zed are already easy - sometimes too easy. If they would be slower, they would be just decoration and not a gameplay element anymore. And thats from me who is a DayZ noob playing the game for not quite two weeks, and regularly spawning on the beach.

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crouch run speed isn't totally bad, because if you are chased by a monkey/crawler you don't miss him sooo easy. but even a large number of them would become much less a threat than they are now.

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Zed are already easy - sometimes too easy. If they would be slower, they would be just decoration and not a gameplay element anymore. And thats from me who is a DayZ noob playing the game for not quite two weeks, and regularly spawning on the beach.

They are easy, but making them slower could easily make them a lot harder.

- Make zombies move slower.

- Let zombies have a shitload of blood, making headshots almost necessary.

- Introduce stamina, you can only sprint for a few seconds and run for a minute. (Introduce more bikes and cheap cars.)

- Let zombies grab you, once they hit you, you go to walk speed for a few seconds.

That way we get a more fun game.

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Crouched run i mentioned as its a speed u can recognize easy enuff , maybe as been said a bit too slow , but u get the genral idea , they need to be a tad slower so u can actually mount a attack

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Crouched run i mentioned as its a speed u can recognize easy enuff , maybe as been said a bit too slow , but u get the genral idea , they need to be a tad slower so u can actually mount a attack

imho, there is plenty opportunity already to counterattack. if you can run faster than zed, then just turn, shoot, and run again, then they lose the rest of their edge. its already too easy to just run around the city kiting a whole train of Zed, then run through a building or bushes to loose LoS and thus shaking them. thats also your opportunity to rearm, bandage, start a counterattack, whatever floats your mind. if you could do it in open field, then you can as well just make them stationary, and the player just needs to take care not to walk in range of their arms....

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