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Map Hopper

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Server : EU 40

Timeline : 24:00pm - 01:00am UTC+2

What happened : Me and my two friends were having an campsite at Dark Castle. First priority was to observe the surrounding landscape in order to see some crashed heli sites, but we decided to stay and wait, if we would face up other survivors.

After a while of waiting, around 30 minutes or so, i saw three survivors heading towards the castle from the southwestern side of the castle, during this time i were on the top floor of the fort. I decided to open fire, as they seemed to be threat to us (by observing their car on the forest and the weapons they had). One blow, first man down, two others manage to push next to the Castle wall and they are now out of my sight.

But, by observing the landscape, they only had two possible ways to get around and inside the castle. My two friends blocked the other end, and i blocked the another end of the wall, by this tactic having them jammed and force them to come on us, instead of trying to get to them.

Well, i had in mind there is a high possiblity, these people would log out the server, get to another one and move up in the fort, get back to the one we are in and shoot us in the back. But, i was foolish and trusted in the nature of these men. After a while of waiting, aproximately 10 minutes or so, i hear a footstep x1 and pistol is throwing bullets on my back.

The situation was clear, only way for him to get up there, was server hopping, as i blocked the route from getting around the wall with my friend, having the third friend of mine blocking the way up in the fort.

He managed to kill me, and i wounded his ass pretty well by hitting once in his leg with m107, and i yelled in Mumble to my friends to go get this fucker down, and that's what they did. We managed to solve out this mans name was :

Darkdeger. Another one of his friends died like a man, and the third one aborted off the battle, not allowing us to get a hint of his name.

I dont care wether there's anyone out here who can, or are willing to do anything about this player Darkdeger, but atleast other community members might now know a thing or two about his manliness way of surviving.

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Server : EU 40

Timeline : 24:00pm - 01:00am UTC+2

What happened :

Me and two friends were making a campsite at Dark Castle. First priority was to observe the surrounding landscape in order to see if there was crashed helis, but we decided to camp and snipe other survivors.

After a while of waiting (around 30 minutes or so) I saw three survivors heading towards the castle from the south west side of the castle.

During this time I was on the top floor of the fort. I decided to open fire, As they seemed to be threat to us (by observing their car on the forest and the weapons they had). One shot and the first man was down, the other two manage to push next to the Castle wall where they were now out of my sight.

But, by observing the landscape, they only had two possible ways to get around and inside the castle. My two friends blocked one end, and i blocked the another end of the wall, this tactic had them jammed in and force them to come on us, instead of trying to get to them.

Well, i had in mind there is a high possiblity, these people would log out the server, get to another one and move up in the fort, get back to the one we are in and shoot us in the back. But, i was foolish and trusted in the nature of these men. After a while of waiting (approximately 10 minutes or so) i hear one footstep and pistol is throwing bullets on my back.

The situation was clear, the only way for him to get up there, was server hopping, as i blocked the route from getting around the wall with my friend, having the third friend of mine blocking the way up in the fort.

He managed to kill me, and i wounded his ass pretty well by hitting him once in his leg with my m107, and i yelled in Mumble to my friends to go get this fucker, and that's what they did. We managed to figure out this mans name and it was :

Darkdeger. Another one of his friends died like a man, and the third one aborted off the battle, so we couldn't get his name.

I dont care wether there's anyone out here who can, or are willing to do anything about this player Darkdeger, but atleast other community members might now know a thing or two about his cowedly way of surviving.

Quick grammar edit for easier reading.

Edited by Madrocker

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