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This is getting out of hand...

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are you angry cause of all the German flags or the padlocks?

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I think maybe he/she is referring to the amount of servers that are locked?

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It's because servers are not allowed to be locked for more than 15 minutes. Lumberjack is probably right in saying it's about heli's.

Servers that do this should be shut down for 24 hours then if it happens a second time then a blacklist.

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I'm gonna go for the amount of Padlocks AND German flags ;)

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I'm gonna go for the amount of Padlocks AND German flags ;)

I doubt it's got anything to do with the nationality, and just because it has a German flag does not make it German so moot point really.

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I am quite surprised to see them as one of the requirement of the hive states the server has to be password free AT ALL TIMES.

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