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DayZ Tactical Gameplay Unit

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his is a tactical gameplay unit if you wish to join just post below

me and some other guys decided to leave the official dayz group because bandits were not allowed

and we believe at TGU you can choose who you are bandit or survivor

only thing required is to pick your role some roles will not be there because they already have been taken when these are taken or if you don't want to choose just

join the group and i will choose what the groups need the most

available roles are below

Rifleman:requires rifle such as AKM,M16 ect


Grenadier:requires m203

Scout: stealth attack unit

Heavy gunner: LMG

Assault: requires carbines such as aks74u or m4

Support Rifleman:will provide cover fire

Medic: will carry med supplies in backpack and heal players

Mechanic: will be in charge of vehicle maintenance

Sniper team 2 (we already have sniper team 1)



i literally made this group while my friends were offline at 1am so if you don't see anyone in the group yet its OK

Headsets are not required but are a great addition in communication.

The steam group name is : DayZ Tactical Gameplay Unit

My steam name is Acix

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I'm a sniper/spotter. Hit me up.

okay so u can be eithier i will put you down as sniper

Steam account?

Edited by brackston21

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Are you a EU team? Also I'm a Heavy Gunner But I've lost 5 LMG's due to the servers and hackers and currently do not have one

US based group but on weekends i will be up all night so if you want to join just says so

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Guys you should join, we were originally in the Official DayZ group, and we made a team because it was to chatty in the chat room. When we did this there were no questions asked they just banned us. WE WILL NOT DO THAT. We will ask whats up, and if you need your personal space that's fine, this group is for regular survivors and bandits a like, to keep the immersion of the realism alive, because if you picked up a walkie talkie in real life you don't know who is on the other end so it is up to you whether you want to trust them or not.

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dont join if they dont like you they will kill you with all your stuff then ban you n loot you dont join i speak from experience terrible group

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pay no attention to him he was banned from the group for not knowing how to act and not knowing how to let anyone finish their sentences he deserved to be banned besides i closed the group and now am leader of a realism group mainly for arma 2

Edited by brackston21

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