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Today a server that i joined read out a website that said to get hacks there so i checked it and i looks like a website for hacking day z i just wanted to put it out there just incase it wasnt known and if a admin wants to know the site address so that they could somehow counter it please PM me

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people are able to Script Edit or use Hacked Clients both are able to bypass BE if they are smart, hacking this game is a fucking waste of time and honestly show's no skill in that said person whom is doing either.

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hacking in general is just a pathetic waste of time with no point other than to pretend your better than everyone...unless your hacking shit that will actually affect you IRL than IMO it is pointless

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It's a well known fact that "hackers" in games are people who feel the need to validate themselves by pretending they are good at a game because in reality they are so socially awkward and retarded that they can't get validation any other way. Fact.

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YH, i just hoped this could help if someone could some how counter this script with a patch or something, that way it could stop a percentage of the hackers

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Idiots, all of you if you think that this is just something that has become an issue or that nothing is atleast TRYING to be done about it.

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It's a well known fact that "hackers" in games are people who feel the need to validate themselves by pretending they are good at a game because in reality they are so socially awkward and retarded that they can't get validation any other way. Fact.

This.. but these are not the wider category. Most of cheaters (they are NOT hackers.. to be an hacker you need some skill; to be a cheater you only use someone else's skill...) fun is about trolling, enjoying fun spoiling others fun. In example, you spent like 2 weeks to build your gear, secure your base with your friends, done everything "perfect"... so the cheater comes, destroy everything in like two seconds and laughs at your "raging", since you keep the game so "serious" to have spent 2 weeks of your life to collect virtual stuff.. (that disappeared in two seconds because of the cheater). A cheater won't get fun to rule the map (he gets bored in a day or so..), but to ruin other players experience.. it's basically a troll with "more (not legit) power".

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