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Placeable radios for communication or misdirection

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First of all, I would like a radio system, with different radios:

1. Short range radio with an antenna that works within, say 1km

2. Long range radio with a longer antenna, but heavier and you have to replace your backpack to use it, range: say 5km

3. Antenna mast, 15m, deployable and connects to the long range radio, range: all the map

First of all these things need loots of channels (say 8 digits). All radios on the same channel can hear each other.

A radio setting is saved if say a player dies and someone loots his corpse, he can then listen in on the comms channel of his team mates.

Also, radio signals keep being sent, so if you place one of these radios on ... say the ground, these can be used for misdirection. Such as: luring zombies to the radio (and by luring the zombies, snipers will perhaps hone in on the location where the zombies are, thinking there's a player nearby) - but also luring players.

Naturally, this system could be use to scare the living beejesus out of people too. Place a radio in a well-frequented spot (such as inside one of the many stores) and then broadcast zombie noises, gunfire, or similar. If someone finds it funny, maybe they pick the radio up and talk back, in which case they could have a bonding experience, and in the end put a tent up on one of the mountains, and during night-time make the special male bonding ritual as known in the navy.

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I like this idea a lot, I think that radio's would add immensely to DayZ, just thinking of picking up a radio and hooking up with some sexy navy dude has me drooling all over the place. ;) Nah, kidding aside, I'm all for Radios, would be nice finding them, maybe even hear them on corpses of players and hear the other teammates of his talk/fire and such.

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I like this idea a lot, I think that radio's would add immensely to DayZ, just thinking of picking up a radio and hooking up with some sexy navy dude has me drooling all over the place. ;) Nah, kidding aside, I'm all for Radios, would be nice finding them, maybe even hear them on corpses of players and hear the other teammates of his talk/fire and such.

It of course would not stop people from using separate comms, but not everyone have access to them.

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such a good idea .....hearing a distress call from someone else within a certain distance on your radio would be totally insane and realistic and then speaking and deciding if you want to join up with them to help them or not would be a amazing choice ,could lead to traps ofc where people fake a distress call only to blast your face as u get close !!! epic idea +1

not too sure about the long range ones but deffo being able to listen in to others plans etc if u have there frequency could be amazing if you are within range and totally improve the ability to meet new players and group up

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