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Just killed by hackers Fr 107

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I was just mass teleported to a top of a building...

I've died before so dying isn't a big deal, but dying from a hacker just pisses me off. Going to avoid large servers for now, if this happens again, I will stop playing this game.

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Sorry to hear about being the victim of this. We're trying all we can to limit the amount of grounds these so called "Exploiters" can use. In the future the odds of this happening will be slim. Please bare with the mod as it's still very new, we will progress :D.

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You might as well stop playing this game because of hackers.

You might as well get rid of all your PC games because of hackers as well.

They exist, they are everywhere and on everything.

It sucks, it's annoying, it's bs but it's the way it is on PC!

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This game is giving hackers free roam to do whatever they want. this has to be stopped or the games player base will be destroyed.

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You might as well stop playing this game because of hackers.

You might as well get rid of all your PC games because of hackers as well.

They exist, they are everywhere and on everything.

It sucks, it's annoying, it's bs but it's the way it is on PC!

This game is giving hackers free roam to do whatever they want. this has to be stopped or the games player base will be destroyed.

The second quote pretty much sums up my reply to you. The hackers are way to free here. In a game where you can lose everything in a split second, a hacker can seriously make the game a sour experience. As I said before, if it was legit from another player, I would accept it and continue, but from a hacker... How am I to expect it wont happen again? Am I supposed to die instantaneously every time I get good gear?

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How difficult is it to set a security clearance level on the ability to change the content of the game? If admin = false then LOLBAN when attempting to change the content?

Or a file check that actually checks the files?

Or removing nukes and jets from the files? Or setting the damage to 0?

If the cheaters were "just" using aimbot, wallhack or nospread we could at least avoid them. After gaming for 15 years I have accepted that cheaters are everywhere. Even in games like Super Monday Night Combat, with its >2000 regular players, there are cheaters. But nothing like this.This level of cheating is gamebreaking. It is ridiculous.

My encounters with cheaters over the course of 1 week:

My hubbie and I spent some days getting used to the game and learning the mechanics. When we finally got ourselves a bit geared up (with low-end gear) and started heading towards the wilderness, we suddenly heard explosions and saw bright white lights all over the place. We both died. I respawned to retrieve my gear (such a newbie mistake), but all of the sudden -- in the middle of nowhere, while simply sneaking -- my leg breaks. Followed by a shot to the head.

We respawn and gear up again. This takes hours, if not a whole day. We get to a small city, and ERHMERHGERHD we found a freakin' motorcycle!! We drive to another city, my hubbie gets out to check it out, I stay on the passenger seat. Then I get teleported. I see a man in a guille suit, surrounded by vehicles, aiming at me. He seemed to be as surprised as I was, as he didn't shoot me right away. But then he did, I tried to drive off, he shot me some more and I died.

Since I was teleported I had NO idea where I was. So I respawn and gear up again!

This time everything went smooooooooooooth. We survived for 2-3 IRL days. We raided every city we went to; I got over 130 infected kills without dying. We had auto injectors, so even if the infected broke our legs (which they seem to do quite often these days) we could still keep on truckin'. We had alice packs, so much meat, so many bandages, so many beans, pepsis and waterbottles. A compass, maps, a freakin entrenching tool, so much ammo and weapons we couldn't carry it all, a tent stuffed with goodies, etc etc. We even found two bikes! We were RIGGED. Ready to head to airfield and get sniped by honest players!

We come across a deer stand, my hubbie climbs up (finds phat loot) but manages to break his leg somehow. He was also sick, and we didn't have any auto injectors left (because, lol, our legs were broken 3 times by infected!). We were discussing what to do, no infected anywhere, in the middle of a forest, I was crouched, not even moving.

Then CRACK. My leg broke. Then BOOM. A shot to the head. Yes, the boom came after the crack. No one shot my leg. No one. He broke it by the press of a button.

THIS is ridiculous. How the hell can they have access to changing the game files?! HOW?!

So now I've rented my own server (I've run a Battlefield Heroes before, simply to get better control over cheaters). I have no idea what to do when a cheater pops up on my server, but I suppose banning the only person left alive on the server is a good start.

This makes the game unplayable. Surviving with infected and bandits roaming around is difficult enough as it is, and just as things start going well -- the second you think "WOW, this is going well!" -- a cheater will kill you. It's just a matter of time.

I do not understand how it is physically possible for them to SPAWN items and teleport people. Aimbot is one thing; modding the actual content and having developer-level controls is ridiculous. How the fuck does this happen? How the fuck is there NOT a security level on changing the game content? There should only be a handful of people able to change the content, on private servers. This is GameMaster level of controls.

Bad coding or bad BattlEye?

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