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DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

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oh man i was looking everywhere for the server took me ages to realise it was down is teamspeak down too?? ive still got ians ak and g17 and some other stuff lol

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oh man i was looking everywhere for the server took me ages to realise it was down is teamspeak down too?? ive still got ians ak and g17 and some other stuff lol

Yes currently still down, we almost have the funds raised to bring the server back online.

In the future check this thread to see the current status of our servers, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54783-regarding-us-1040-our-teamspeakwebsite/#entry523371

Also try to find our steam group @


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server is back up, paid for, running smooth, lets get it repopulated guys, anything to help with payment is also appreciated

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As he said servers are back up! New info to connect will be updated in the original post.

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Still going strong, staff still needed applications available.

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