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US - 303 Dallas Hacker.

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Happened around 2:00 - 2:15 AM GMT -5 on

US - 303 Dallas [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+10] hosted by clansm.net

JusticeMTG and I (Somerlotp) were traveling north of Solnichniy around a barn and a couple farm building when we heard a Winchester gun shot from close behind us. We sprint into the tree line and take cover. We search around for the source of the gun shot but couldn't see any movement. Justice takes cover at a bush keeping eyes out for a flank and I search around for the enemy. Suddenly he starts saying he is getting shot at but can't hear anything; just the dust flying near him. I keep scanning around with my DMR for the source of the shots when Justice gets hit a couple times and dies. I see a survivor prone with just the head sticking out at the edge of a hill and take the shot. The message pops up stating that SevenSeasons was killed.

I go over to body to loot this scumbag when I notice he had a Silenced M4a1 with a holographic scope. I searched the internet to check if this gun was legit but couldn't find it in any Day Z websites. Linked to this post I have a screenshot of the gun and magazines on his body and another screenshot displaying the name of the character after I hit "study body". If this gun is legit than I'm gonna be pissed that I didn't pick it up lol :P but if it isn't then please nail this fucker!



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I'm sorry I didn't see this until now. You'll always get a faster response from me if you post at http://clansm.net/ . At this point, I don't even have logs from that far back.

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How is that a hacker? Some people are morons. It's called he picked the gun up. That gun is not a global ban offense and it is up to the server admins if they want to ban him.

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