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So this morning i was able to run Day Z at the highest possibly setting on my GTX 570 HD (2GB Video Ram model ) and Intel core i7 2600k,8GB of corsair Ram at 60 fps solid (which would go even higher but i had V-sync enabled) then i switched servers and BOOM my game went to shit i started running at 10 fps even on the menu i tried EVERYTHING to fix it such as setting the priority's on high and changing the .Cfg files anything you can think of and got it to run at 40 fps MAX which is playable but i have to settle for lower graphical setting then my GPU can handle such as the 3D setting under the resolution ( don't recall the name) which makes the game look shit and yes i understand the Arma engine is crap and "very demanding" but i never had this problem in the past it was running amazing till today

When this issue started i got a error message saying something about my direct x 9 that minimized the game but since i was playing Day Z and was standing in the middle of a field i quickly discarded it and didn't read the full thing and that's when the problems started Big Thanks in advanced for any help

Edited by suspectmammal

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Okay, first things first. Go to the game menu and press Alt Control Del and get to your task manager. Now click performances and see what your CPU/Memory is. If it is around 80% or so that means there is something wrong with your CPU.

Also my specs are

CPU: i5 2500k

GPU: Gts 250 (Yes very shitty) but still around Low - Med settings 50-60 fps in town.

RAM: 8 Gb

Edited by isaywhut

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This could be the same bug I have you switched servers and battleye update to their new version 1.66 and you'r fps dropped from 50-60 to 10-15

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Okay, first things first. Go to the game menu and press Alt Control Del and get to your task manager. Now click performances and see what your CPU/Memory is. If it is around 80% or so that means there is something wrong with your CPU.

Also my specs are

CPU: i5 2500k

GPU: Gts 250 (Yes very shitty) but still around Low - Med settings 50-60 fps in town.

RAM: 8 Gb

I remember checking that yesterday and it was only at about 10% lol and i had its process on high. thanks for the help

Edit: it would vary anywhere from 5% to 15% i also have Skype and DayZdb.com open for a map

Edited by suspectmammal

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This could be the same bug I have you switched servers and battleye update to their new version 1.66 and you'r fps dropped from 50-60 to 10-15

so it could be Battle Eye doing this.... that son of a bitch.

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Hey guys i just tried playing Day Z today and everything was back to normal it was pretty strange i guess it was just a one time thing thanks for the help :D

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