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US #00 Admin Abuse.

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"US #00 ( [REC][GMT-5] Multiplay ::dayz uk jimjimminy" was the server.

The guys name was Shooter2.

Before the flaming starts, i know it was a REC. server. It was our first time on a REC. server. The green Dots on players goes further to prove to us what was happening at the time of the abuse. My Friend and I are bandits. We were running in the woods between Cherno and Balota Air Strip. we meet a guy following us, I gun him down. i get like 5 murders by just shooting him over and over because i never see his green dot fade away. Next thing i know the green dot stands up and uses the pistol the "dead" guy had and puts 2 in my head and then kills my friend. Thats admin abuse if there has ever been any. Could someone do something about this?... It's lame that you can put 3 STANAG mags into someone kill them 5+ times..and they can still get up, go invisible and then kill you.

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Admin abuse belongs in the server reporting forum. Or in BFE if the global mod here is friends with that admin.

Edited by PimpinSmurf

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