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Clan BLACKKK on US 1445

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I was on US 1445 tonight, waiting near a main rotor assy for a buddy to show up and grab it, when I heard foot steps that didnt belong to my friend. I crawled to a secure corner, high walls all around me. Footsteps come to a stop, I'm waiting for someone to come around the corner. I look to the right (trackir) when I see something move. I see a gun barrel sticking through the brick wall. I'm like..wha... BAMBAMBAM. I'm dead.

Pal shows up 2 minutes later and shoots dead 3 members of BLACKKK. He didn't get the names of the 3 he killed, but:

[bLACKKK] Diggindeep

[bLACKKK] Dragonass

[bLACKKK] Graphicy\:z'


were the 4 Blackkkk members on. I have ZERO problem getting killed in a legitimate fight and/or ambush. I've killed plenty and I've been killed plenty. This is however the first time I have been killed by a solid exploit. sadly I wasnt running FRAPS at the time.

Enjoy the gear guys.

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