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Sorry for the mostly all caps title, but I find this too annoying.

Every time I come to these forums for a gander, I am treated to a stickied post that is just a bunch of merged threads that used to be practically every thread in the general category. It's either that, or I am greeted by the hundreds of threads that are all ranting and raving about the same thing.

Now I know it can be hard to ensure your post is 100% unique, I am sure many people will have said this before themselves. But you know what I did guys? I hit the "Search" button up there, and I made sure no post was already making my point.

What I am saying here, is that EVERYONE, absolutely EVERYONE, needs to press that button BEFORE they press the "Post Thread" button down there. Sometimes it's not even that hard. Sometimes, if you just look at the first two pages of the general discussion forum, you'll see what you were looking for.

Once you have found a thread relating to what you wanted to talk about, feel free to talk as much as you like INSIDE that thread.

If you don't find a thread however, then, and only then, can you post your thread.

One wouldn't think they'd have to explain the concept of a forum to people n a forum, but it seems people just don't understand.

I apologise for the rant, but I hope this opens some peoples eyes.

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It won't open anyone's eyes, and will get lost in duplicate topics momentarily.

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Just close the repeated ones with a post linking an existing one.

Why not? We have enough admins for that, I guess.

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Welcome elgandarko!

I know the Internet is a new and scary place, and you must be new to forums, but these topics never work, an example is the fact that the topic u just posted is a duplicate!

It's a never ending cycle!

The fact is that the mentality on ANY forums is "my idea is new and important, if I search and just post on an existing topic no one will take me seriously! I need my own topic! This idea is important enough!"

It's sad but true.

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Welcome elgandarko!

I know the Internet is a new and scary place' date=' and you must be new to forums, but these topics never work, an example is the fact that the topic u just posted is a duplicate!

It's a never ending cycle!

The fact is that the mentality on ANY forums is "my idea is new and important, if I search and just post on an existing topic no one will take me seriously! I need my own topic! This idea is important enough!"

It's sad but true.

[/quote']Well another thing too that a lot of people don't take into account is that while the thread may be on the same topic the person may want to or will be discussing a different aspect of it.

That should not be overlooked either. Personally I have no problem with duplicate threads but so many seem to, they naturally just get pushed to the back.

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How about reporting threads/posts? It helps us a lot.

Even if they are good threads that you think should be stickied. All the report feature does is bring something to our attention.

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I dont understand the mentality of people who complain so vocally like this. The point of a forum is to facilitate discussion, the word itself:

fo·rum (fôrm, fr-)

n. pl. fo·rums also fo·ra (fôr, fr)


a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.

b. A public meeting place for open discussion.

c. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.

2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.

3. A court of law; a tribunal.

Can't have an open discussion if no one can say a damned thing as its already been said before in vaguely similar terms. I think some people would only be happy if we just had one megathread where no one can talk if it's already been said, like a big game of internet Jinx.

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what is this S..e..r...ch b..u..t..t..o..n ????

i have never heard of such a thing this is sacrilege

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I can see the point of the OP, and theres no excuse for blatent duplication of a recent thread, especially if its on the front page (I had a moan about this yesterday) but also there is no need to necro up a thread from a month ago if its fallen out of the public eye.

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I can see the point of the OP' date=' and theres no excuse for blatent duplication of a recent thread, especially if its on the front page (I had a moan about this yesterday) but also there is no need to necro up a thread from a month ago if its fallen out of the public eye.


This guy, also gets it. It's only a nuisance if the thread being duplicated is a thread that is hotly debated already. If a topic has fallen out of recent debate, but somebody has a new topic to bring into it, then it is fair game to post it in a new thread.

I dont understand the mentality of people who complain so vocally like this. The point of a forum is to facilitate discussion' date=' the word itself:


You took what I said too far, my friend. I'm not saying nobody should voice their opinion just because that opinion has already been voiced. What I'm saying, is that people should keep their opinion voicing in the same area as others voicing similar opinions, or opinions on the same topic.

The reason for this is that it brings order, logic and encapsulation to the forum.

Furthermore, I complain so vocally because this forum is...

c. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.

So... you know. ;)

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