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Scripts.log not writing - Why?

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So for some reason my scripts.log stopped recording info. I have a log rotation setup and remakes the scripts.log with the line //new. I dont know what is causing it to not record.

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HFB Made a change a few days ago where the log files started automatically rotating on server restart it looks like... Anyway, since that change was made none of the logs have been recorded they all just have //new in them and nothing else.


What scripts.txt are you using? Might be your issue.

Edited by Sanadorn

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So for some reason my scripts.log stopped recording info. I have a log rotation setup and remakes the scripts.log with the line //new. I dont know what is causing it to not record.

Hey Ryahn,

I just noticed that I am having this very problem... did you ever find the cause?

[EDIT]I believe I have found the cause... at least in my case. The script I'm using to update scripts.txt (among other files) was grabbing the scripts.txt file from http://armafiles.inf...ans/scripts.txt This file is quite different than the file that you can download as part of the cfgdayz files. As a solution, I grabbed the correct scripts file and put it on a webserver of mine, then pointed the scriptsfile location to my server. Everything seems to be working properly now.[/EDIT]

Edited by SubEclipse

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Hey SubEclipse can you tell me what scripts.txt from where u use. Because we have same problem with scripts.log record. Thank you for your help.

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