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Server abuse at US 939 (constant locks and kicks)

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Server Name: US 939

(Your) Timezone: PST

Date/Time: 10 pm - 10:30

Server Administrator('s): [LPA] Brutyl

What happened: Driving around with my friends checking vehicle spawns in our car when my friend gets kicked all of a sudden than I press P to check the playerlist and watch everyone dissapearing except LPA members, all of a sudden I was kicked. We reconnected (in the car somehow not hurt) and drove around a little before getting kicked again.

Evidence/Proof: http://i.imgur.com/yHgP3.jpg couldnt print screen in fullscreen mode so i took a pic with my phone, can see brutyl in the game as i got kicked driving in a field (so dangerous)

Edit: name in game is ANUS MUNCHER (didnt want to make that my forum name for obvious reasons)

Edited by backbeard

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So the other day my buddies and i are running around on us 939 and guess what, we find an LPA guy with one other player. My four man squad manage to drop the two little fk'rs after one started charging my squad mate in a field with a DMR out... seriously this lpa guy was retarded. after we gunned him down my friend that was in the field ( Ace of Fail ) got an in game message from the admin. this is how i knew it was an admin we killed. he said something about gunning him down in cold blood. i didnt really pay any attention to it. later that night, we come into contact again which i am assuming was another LPA admin or the same one because shortly after seeing him we got kicked from the server and they locked the server so we could not get back in that night.

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I got Banned because Me and my friend found some C4, He went to Electro and started to blow shit up. I got banned?

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We will look into this.

Can you guys provide screenshots here if you see the server locked?

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Hey guys, just wanted to clear some of this up, since I'm seeing a little inconsistency being spoken about the server.

So, just because I want to get this out of the way, we've had several problems with hackers, as all servers do, and we dont really give them much rope on the server, because the sooner you nip it in the bud, the better. I apologize to Gojira, as I know some people are getting caught in the crossfire, and we will remove that ban from you, no harm, no foul.

For the "Retarded DMR Runner", that was me, as I was known as GrimmIrishman before, and yes, I did message you about just lighting people on when you see them, because, yes, I was a little "WTF" over the situation, because, well, who isnt? We never did anything after that point, and I surely could have, if I was, indeed, retarded. Later that night, however we did end up locking the server, only because we were testing out all what we could do with it, and, fortunately for everyone, if we lock our server it restarts, so, no real point to locking it. This was before I read over the server rules and all that, and I've seen other servers locked, and thought it was alright. My bad, I take responsibility for it, and it wont happen again under my watch.

As for the first post, I dont really know what happened there. Maybe caught in a server restart? I know we didnt kick anyone that night specifically, because we hooked up with a big group of friends and we ended up rolling around all day, then getting ambushed up at NW Airfield [Cause thats what you do, when you go to an airfield.] So, I'm pretty sure thats just bad luck.

As always, I'll be keeping an eye on what folks say about the server, I'm not the owner, that'd be [LPA] Rooster [used to be Brutyl, we've changed over names] So its best to contact him at the email listed on the server if you have any real issues. Thanks again for playing on our server, and I really appreciate you guys spotting these out, it helps alot so we can have a good, equal playing ground.


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