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Rocket has dropped the Ball

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War Z is going to crap all over this game. I am officially quitting DayZ crap Rocket mod. I am tired of the stupid zombie movement and glitches around every corner.

I am sure we are all fed up with breaking our legs on simple things like opening doors or stepping on rocks. Let’s not forget the newest vision glitch that ruins game play at random times. Awesome hackers turning me into a goat or throwing me into the air and stealing all my gear. Getting knocked unconscious by zombie fists of destiny while at 80% health.

If a zombie is thwarted by something as simple as a house... That's ok he can instantly turn into the Kool-Aid man and bust threw the fucking wall and say "OHHH YAAAA!!!”

I know why zombies are so fast and agile... It is not because an Olympic sprinter got turned into a zombie...oh no! It is much simpler then that... It is the poor coding of captain rocket and his fail crew of misfits. They are unable to properly path the zombies, so as a Band-Aid fix they gave them super speed and Eagle Vision of the Gods.

If you think people are going to pay for a stand-alone version of this shit... You are flat wrong. This game has peaked at its highest point. Leave it to the real game creators.

It was fun while it lasted. But having to teach my friends how to find work arounds to every little glitch has finally broken my spirit.

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It's been fun man...

Later, have a wonderful life...

I wish you the best...

Troll threads deserve troll responses...

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Actually he just said that changing zombies right now would have horrible other changes on things that shouldn't be changed.

And really, this seems like more of a troll post. "War Z is going to crap all over this game"

Nevermind, you're probably just a kid who doesn't know much of anything about either game. Yeah, you may have played Day Z for a while, but you know nothing of the inside of it.

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You must be new to playing games before release. It's in alpha if not pre alpha like some of the videos say (not sure how old the videos are), but I do know the download says it's alpha. WarZ is in beta, which is a stage after alpha. So don't get mad because you spent $30 to play a game that's in alpha or pre alpha state and got mad.

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don't get hit in the ass by the door on your way out :D

Yea...it might break his leg LOL.

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I didn't even read the entire post, not even half of it. But I can tell you this is an ALPHA. By playing this mod right now, you are considered and ALPHA tester. This is so that Rocket and all his buddies can get the best possible feedback on the beginning creation of their game. If you're to much of a whinny little bitch to handle it, then come back in maybe a year or so?

Don't come on the forums and start crying, now everyone's going to tell you how much they dislike you XD

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So true! Cant wait to see what the fanboys will do when this game crash and burns. It is going to be so FUNNNNNNNY!

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Yea...it might break his leg LOL.


...really, that's all I have to say.

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So true! Cant wait to see what the fanboys will do when this game crash and burns. It is going to be so FUNNNNNNNY!

Rather crash and burn than barely get out of the gate.

Rather go down swingin than talking.

Rather go out innovating than replicating.

Take your pick.

Edited by Sheepdawg

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I like how people throw these big numbers around... over 850,000!!!! no, its more like 150k in the last 24 hours. The other 700k are the people who tried it and then jumped ship because they knew what they bought was a polished piece of shit.

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I like how people throw these big numbers around... over 850,000!!!! no, its more like 150k in the last 24 hours. The other 700k are the people who tried it and then jumped ship because they knew what they bought was a polished piece of shit.


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Wah, wah, wah. I can't handle an Alpha mod, so I'm going to go make myself look like a six year old on the forums.

Go play War Z. I might just follow you just to kill you over and over.

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WarZ is made by developers of War Inc. Battle Zone.

DayZ is made by the multiplayer developer of ArmA.

'nuff said. have fun in your dumbed-down-for-the-masses pay2win zombie MMO.

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Kinda make up out of yur story uve not been playing very long ?

I actually felt somewhat alike and wanted to give up, but learned to live with the stuff :)

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WarZ is made by developers of War Inc. Battle Zone.

DayZ is made by the multiplayer developer of ArmA.

'nuff said. have fun in your dumbed-down-for-the-masses pay2win zombie MMO.

If that is true, then WarZ will be complete crap.

War Inc.. //facepalm.

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You mean forced yourself to live with it. he isnt the developer of shit. you fanboys will eat up anything that guy says to use as an excuse. the game has peaked and now its going down hill. also, there isnt anything special about this mod that hasnt been done already. Not a damn thing.

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