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"dead" and cant respawn

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Yesterday I got into a hatchet fight with another player and he "killed" me. I bled out all the way to just under 2000 health. My bleeding stopped there and no longer kept on going. My bones are broken and I have an hourglass timeout that will never go down. I logged out because he kept hacking at me and I would never die. I cannot press escape to respawn, or any other button so I think my character is bugged. Is there anyway I can request for a mod to kill me off? If possible I would really appreciate it, and let me know what information to provide for this to happen please.

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Now thats a pretty horrible glitch.

I could care less about people bitching about how a door broke their leg, but this does seem pretty dang annoying.

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Yea, I've been hopping servers trying to hopefully fall through a floor or something and kill myself, but nothing works :(

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Your best bet is to try and find a Non hive server and start fresh.. Doesn't look like you can play on any hive servers until you either glitch through he floor and die, or a mod resets you.

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You know how you can go onto any server and your information (gear, location, etc.) is as it was on another server? The hive is basically a place where that info is stored, and a majority of the servers allow your info to be accessed and used. However, some servers make you start a new character just for that SPECIFIC server. If you go to another server, your info will not be saved.. it will only exist on the server you began on. Understand, kind of?


Find a server that makes you start a new character specifically for that server. I know a lot of DE's do, or just look for "non-hive" in the name.

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No problem! I'll try to search for one for you and post it here.

What beta patch number are you currently running?

Edited by Jen
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That's the mod version. The beta patch is the one that's 95___ (three numbers). What are those last 3 numbers?

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I love how the elitists here defend the removal of the respawn button, clearly it shouldn't have been removed in a buggy beta version of the game for obvious reasons like this.

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I love how the elitists here defend the removal of the respawn button, clearly it shouldn't have been removed in a buggy beta version of the game for obvious reasons like this.

Agreed .

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You just got owned by the non-existent respawn buttom

@Signature - Pretty sure scripts are already server-side. I've heard a lot of scripters mention how they forced the server to spawn the items, instead of doing it client side.

@OP - Are you in an easy to find place? I could run over to you and try to kill you. Otherwise your best bet is to either stay logged in and hope to starve to death, hope someone else comes across you and this time death prevails, or to use a non-hive server until a mod resets your player.

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@Signature - Pretty sure scripts are already server-side. I've heard a lot of scripters mention how they forced the server to spawn the items, instead of doing it client side.

@OP - Are you in an easy to find place? I could run over to you and try to kill you. Otherwise your best bet is to either stay logged in and hope to starve to death, hope someone else comes across you and this time death prevails, or to use a non-hive server until a mod resets your player.

Thank you for offering to kill me :P, I've had a few friends run to my area and try to kill me already though, and they could not find me. I'm going to do what you said and try to starve to death.

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It seems that I'm in the same position that ridethelights in, I haven't been playing for a few weeks because of it.

I've also requested my character to be reset but to no avail.

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I managed to spawn and apparently someone saw me and shot me, thank you to that guy :) but this type of thing does need to be fixed, or at least provide a forum where we can request a respawn.

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