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Graphical glitch solution

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Rather thn reply to the hundred or so topics complaining about the graphical glitch with wiring and everything... Here is a single post regarding a solution I found.

Just restart your client and it should be fine. While visiting Stary with friends I had the issue couldn't even look at the tents I got blinded so badly. Restarted and bam, no issues. Had the issue a few times, every time a restart solved it.

Good short term solution till bug is solved.

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how about for the people that have to wait 10 mins to log in for some reason? Not a solution at all.

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Sorry dude but restarting the game every time you get the bug is not a fix, at all. Not even close.

I understand that you want to help, but that's not enough.

We need a real fix, otherwise the game is unplayable. Loading sometimes are going for around 10 minutes, making restarting the game every time the bug comes back out of the table.

Let's hope they release a new hotfix ASAP to fix this problem.

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Sorry dude but restarting the game every time you get the bug is not a fix, at all. Not even close.

I understand that you want to help, but that's not enough.

We need a real fix, otherwise the game is unplayable. Loading sometimes are going for around 10 minutes, making restarting the game every time the bug comes back out of the table.

Let's hope they release a new hotfix ASAP to fix this problem.

+1. Well said.

Would like to add that this game is virtually unplayable with this graphical bug once you reach towns and citys.

Nothing worse than getting chased by a horde of zombies and seeing nothing but black and white :)

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I‘ve been having this issue since way back in 1.7.1 Barbed wire and rooftops are the worst offenders. Tweak your graphical settings; some trial and error reduces the instances of artifacts.

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Yea these graphics issues are really starting to piss me and others off. They really are making this game unplayable.

Its fine sometimes then all of a sudden I turn a corner and BOOM I cant see shit and I get shot in the face.

Fuck, this, shit.

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Wait until you are NW airfield , take an hour to get up there, cruise into the barracks in nearly pitch black (only the third time in over two months i have been there) crouch up to the back and find a mwhatever cco thingy, drop my enfield and then start to leave and bang, some dude appears at the entrance shooting and all i see i see is flashes and big horrible grey triangles. Fuk. He must have been the same because he coulodnt hit me for shit, i jump over the chair at the entrance and we have a shoot out amongst grey and black trianglesw whilst hearing zeds going syco all around us lol.

I pop a flare and bolt towards the forest , he is still behind me somewhere poppin rounds like rambo 4 v Die hard 3 , i escape into the open fields and bandage keaving him in a firefight by himself wondering what the fuk happened. /Log.

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In your video setting either change your video memory size to something else and back, or change HDR and AA settings to something else and back. Works for me every time. Could not look in the direction of the hostpital in berezino from very far away. I was like a mile away and it looked like the city 17 tower on the horizon. When I got close it was straight confetti. Circled the hostpital and as long as I looked away everything was ok. I changed HDR to high and back to very high and problem fixed for like 20 min. Started happening again and did it again, works multiple times in a session.

Edited by MastaBlasta
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In your video setting either change your video memory size to something else and back, or change HDR and AA settings to something else and back. Works for me every time. Could not look in the direction of the hostpital in berezino from very far away. I was like a mile away and it looked like the city 17 tower on the horizon. When I got close it was straight confetti. Circled the hostpital and as long as I looked away everything was ok. I changed HDR to high and back to very high and problem fixed for like 20 min. Started happening again and did it again, works multiple times in a session.

Well, thank you. I will try this trick next time. Right now, my friends and I are struggling to raid the NW Airfield and trying to get trhough with these artifacts EVERYWHERE. It's basically un-playable. I thought that I would log in right now and see if another server is any better, but to my surprise it wasn't. Had to exit the gmae.


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Yes, quite unplayable indeed. Even if I were to bear through it and attempt to play, I certainly would not enjoy it. Bottom line, artifact error needs to be a top priority in the fix list!

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