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Me, and a few group of friends decided to make US 267 our main server. We had no problems at first until our last round of gaming on the server. We had encountered a small group of people and taken one of them out, as soon as we took one out we both died immediately. Upon our arrival at the same area we immediately died again, it seemed we died no matter where we were, one person with an M107 (And the usual cheaters sniper set up, ghillie and an m9).

I cannot remeber the persons name but it did have [Derp] at the start, and multiple people have reported them and their clan for hacking (http://dayzmod.com/f...port-into-kill/)

The person that owns the server is [DERP]Chavez. So this server is apparently owned by this clan of cheaters.

The offence occurred at 8:01 pm Mountain Time.

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I was with him as well. 10:28 PM Eastern time. Seems that the hacker used a teleportation hack when our other buddy Joe was teleported back to his location of death. He went to the left of the supposed hacker behind a tree and was about to sprint take him down with a hatchet and loot his body. What happened was the direct opposite; the sniper turned and shot Joe straight in the face in the blink of an eye. Keep in mind, he took the shot as we were discussing in our Skype chat, whether or not to go and attempt to kill him.

hackers name was [derp]kgman. Other reported players were: [derp]Barnaby, [derp]G.I.Zed, Jordan, [derp]John McClane

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I will post the email I have just sent to you since you are so quick to call "hacking".

We do take hacking very seriously, and I can guarantee that [derp]kgman has never hacked, nor will he ever hack. An M107 is easily found at any heli crash site, so is an AS50, DMR and many other rare drops. We were suspicious of Nick because the second time kgman killed him he had the same exact gear on.

At this point I can tell you that there are serious desync issues with the hive files and since update, we have seen many, MANY glitches. With your friend being shot behind a tree, this is also not surprising, as when servers are very desync'd (doesn't necessarily have to be yellow/red link showing), you are actually in a different location. Happened to myself many times, as a matter of fact, last night I was killed by a guy AFTER I shot him 15 times with an FAL! He shot me twice with a Winchester... HRM.. I was very upset and started poking around for answers.

I have since re-installed all server and hive DLL files as well as all BattlEye software as well on the server, we currently are testing everything and will be throughout the day to ensure everything is up to par before re-opening the server to the public (mainly to avoid issues like what you and your friends are experiencing).

We appreciate your email and will continue to battle hackers (legitimate ones), which use scripts to hack, not just desync'd servers.



PS - I actually have an SVD Camo and FAL, not an M107, however, we do have several at our disposal.

PSS - I have also been informed about the teleportation and have been looking through my scripts.log file for hours, however, I have been informed by many colleagues that BattlEye is very easily avoided and most scripts currently do not even show up there.

Edited by chaveezy
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Us 267 is also my home server.

The first day I joined the server, there was some sort of hacker overrun going on.

I contacted the admin, Chavez, via Email as the server asks you to.

He promptly replied, and dealt with the issue.

They are not cheaters.

I have not personally played along side them, I have however been in combat with their group and they are average players like everyone else, when they are playing.

You have to consider that they are a clan team, they communicate via Skype, and have one another backs. The two of you, or how many ever were in your group facing their much larger group will be overwhelming.

They will have more eyes on you, and quicker reflexes because they are more people, and more communication. That is not cheating. That, is strategy.

However, they are outstanding administrators.

With the rise in cheating in this game, they have responded immediately to complaints about cheaters from numerous people.

They go above and beyond to make sure the server is running as best as it can on their side, and to keep the environment fun for everyone to plays there.

I kindly ask that before you blatantly disrespect people because you had one bad experience, that you re-evaluate the situation you were in.

This is an honorable and appropriately ran server.

The Administration deserves nothing but respect.

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Thank you for reporting me as a hacker, but I did think Joe was a little suspicious that he spawned in on the same hill with the same gear again. Axe, 1 45 acp, 2 cans of food... first I thought what a terrible hacker to only spawn in the same spot with crappy weapons. Then i remembered this game is still in alpha and has a lot of weird glitches. No one hacks in our group of friends and we've all met over the game for the most part. So sorry that you were in my scope of my 107 next time I'll give you an extra second to run away before I shot so I won't be called a hacker. I also record a lot of groups fights when we lock down cities in the game. So thank you for saying I have the playing ability of a hacker but then again it's not to hard with a 1 shot kill like the 107.

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you'll get killed by hackers many,so many times,don't play this game until they fix it.

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Just had an interesting experience on 267. Magically my legs break get eaten by infected lose all of the shit I stole fair and square ;)

Oh well, now I have a hatchet and an alice pack, and I'm coming to carjack a server near YOU!

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There are hackers in the game, period. However, 267 is not RAN by hackers. They actually go above and beyond to secure the game play for people who join their server when they are on, so please, if you have a bad experience on the server, don't assume it has anything to do with the clan that runs it.

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I was just playing on US 267, and everyone was teleported to the thunderdome. I was hoping the new upgrades to battleeye would prevent this, so far still plenty of cheats out there.

edited to add: I don't think the admin is the "hacker" and hopefully he can look at the logs and see who ran the script.

Edited by Chairborne_Ranger

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