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Igor (DayZ)

Empty Cans after drinking Soda

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After drinking a can of soda, an empty can will appear in your inventory.

So instead of empty soda cans and tin cans all over the place, people who drop can leave their trace for possibly a trap or luck.

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I thought of this, but it would be an inventory nightmare. Millions of empty soda cans to track.

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Or perhaps after consuming the player auto drops an empty can or tin. Maybe it can have the same fly buzzing as the dead player for some time after being dropped. Frankly, I wouldn't be too worried about the enviroment in a zombie apocalypse, I'd just leave it or reuse it.

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If cans were made discardable it has t be manual. Auto dropping trash would be frustrating for tactical people that know they should leave as few traces of his pressence as possible. I for one wouldn't drop an empty can just anyhwere. I know that would make me more traceable.

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Yea it's like waterbottles. Drink it, then an empty one appears. That's not so hard.

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