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Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

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Since a few days ago when we had all our vehicles taken by teleport. We have a had 3 Thunderdomes. 1 episode where everyone was stunned. 2 episodes of players using animal models attacking other players. 1 episode, all players killed at once. 1 episode where a player brought in 3 bots with him that shot in unison. And that is just while I have been on... Not a problem here, right?

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By all means share your favorite tools

I've started using the tools provided by some of our forum members to investigate people, and add them to the ban list if I find anything suspicious. Don't really care, I have enough evidence on each one and save it every time.

By all means share your favorite tools, the ones i have found have been pretty ineffective.

Edit: Also my ban list has surpassed two pages when posted in word pad.

Edited by Beans

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Perhaps we should get the attention of the community and the Devs by and organized protest by picking a day and having all concerned admins shut down their servers for a 24 hour period. Lets see if they shut down my account for this one.

The players are concerned hows about the Devs?

This is actually a great idea. We were actually thinking of taking our server offline when an admin wasn't on it. I personally am against doing that but it seems like the only defense to keep our camp and heli safe from hackers, I don't really mind if a random guy wandering the map finds it but it ticks me off that we lose it all to some nab hacker after we put all the effort into getting everything just right to have 2 to 3 days of work gone in a flash. We have lost 3 camps so far in the space of three days to hackers.

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Well I have had a few run ins with people running scripts, one time the whole server died at once to a Russian, people started to get teleported into the air as I was on ts but not in game the server got stopped straight away and no-one lost anything.

The funniest was last night, so me and a mate were setting up an ambush in the wilderness when some guy starts speaking over direct comms, this is pretty trippy as we cant see anyone anywhere. So eventually the guy shows himself and declares himself a genie and if we can answer some questions we get 3 wishes. At this time we are franticly trying to find out who this guy is so we carry on..

He asks if we want to see his spaceship so we are like yea go on then, a boat pops in on top of my mate breaking his legs and knocking him out. We fix him up and he asks for his first wish, a chopper and a chopper appears.

Then the second wish was a dog, now I dont know if this was some dude morphed into a dog or a random npc but lassie kept running around and wouldnt come home. At this point my mate tries to fly the chopper, this goes badly and it goes boom, lol. The genie as ill now call him asked what I wanted for the third wish I wanted a tank but apparently that wasnt fair, oh the irony. So we get in his time travel spaceship go pick up my mate then he teleports around to random people proclaiming a great flood is coming and they should get on or die in the flood, I dont know why but people didnt take to his time traveling spaceship and mostly ran away. On about the third teleport to what I believe was actually another "hacker" who as he spoke to him glitched around like mad and eventually killed us all and himself somehow.

While all this was going on another admin was constantly scanning logs trying to find who this guy was and the two names who we believe were the genie and the guy that killed us show up no IP and no guid, no record of them at all. A restart wiped any vehicles that had been spawned but it seems thats about the best we could do.

So it would seem that at least at this stage we are completely at the mercy of anyone who wants to do whatever they want.

Can I say though people who kill the whole server or teleport you somewhere stupid doing malicious things for whatever reason they have are bad, this genie guy although I dont agree with using all this stuff and would of banned the guy if we even could was really funny and not just ruining peoples days for lols.

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Since yesterday's post. I played for 3 hours after work. I got Thunderdomed as I logged into another server with 4 people on it. On my group's server: Two cows appeared in front of me and were singing a tune I had not heard before. I alt F-4ed not waiting for something to happen. I came back into the server 10 minutes later and was stunned with the rest of the players. A half-hour later. Someone was popping in and out of the lobby ever 1-2 seconds it seemed and then ran a script the killed all the players on the server and forced and immediate up to the hive as everyone who Alt-F4ed were dead on the other servers they spawned into. Day 7 was my last day @#$@!%#%$#! Lost an L-85 and an Mp4 SD as well as other hard-won items. Not an actionable problem here eh?

Terrible that such a great game is being discredited by lack of action. I have read about the Hacking thread, and don't believe that they cannot stop scripts from the clients. How's about a mass ban to prove some action and dump some of the hackers.

Still liking the idea of having the Server admins of paid servers shutting down their servers on a set day for 24 hours to prove a point. There would be a very limited game if it were not for these community paid-for servers, and we are being told to put up with it....

Edited by mjrhzrd

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I can.

My thoughts exactly.

As i said earlier, not going to get that far if it fizzles out here first. Just because it's announced doesn't mean it can't fail. No sweat off my back not throwing money out the window hosting a server when hackers run it. I'll go play Planetside instead.

I wish it the best, but it's really a mess.

Edited by Beans

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