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Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

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I don't buy that lol, i can look at the logs and see every item a player is running around with. That seems like it has less "BLUR" than a killed by

Add it in game then. Everyone can see it, no secrets. How would that effect anything?

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I don't buy that lol, i can look at the logs and see every item a player is running around with. That seems like it has less "BLUR" than a killed by

Add it in game then. Everyone can see it, no secrets. How would that effect anything?

It wouldn't. Thats an Arma2 thing. I know Arma2 has been releasing more and more Beta Patches, So I couldn't tell you why Arma2 server devs decided to not put 'was killed by' in their logs.

Remember, DayZ can't just go 'Put this in' on an Arma2 Engine.

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I don't buy that lol, i can look at the logs and see every item a player is running around with. That seems like it has less "BLUR" than a killed by

Add it in game then. Everyone can see it, no secrets. How would that effect anything?

Dead men tell no tales. Killing someone shouldn't broadcast who did it to the whole server.

Actually i'm for removing the notification entirely.

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Dead men tell no tales. Killing someone shouldn't broadcast who did it to the whole server.

Actually i'm for removing the notification entirely.

Yeah, your right but, something along the lines should be added temporarily until Battleye gets it's shit together.

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Step 1 , Remove BattleEye

Step 2 , Go to Steam

Step 3 , Request VAC Support.

Step 4 , watch as bans affect Actual Players,Instead of their name (which is FFFFFF) usully.

Step 5 , Realize theirs only 3 actual Steps.

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I wouldn't mind a monthly or forthnightly reset of the hive atm either, the hacking and cheating means that gera that was once rare is now everywhere.

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I wouldn't mind a monthly or forthnightly reset of the hive atm either, the hacking and cheating means that gera that was once rare is now everywhere.

Pretty sure whenever the Beta comes out or when DayZ potentially moves to Arma3 will be the 'latest' they wipe everything.

Though I have the tingling sensation they may wipe everything sooner than later.

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But I also know Rocket has said he doesn't care if DayZ fails or not. Its an experiment. But they aren't because Battleeye and Arma2 wasn't exactly designed to handle DayZ. DayZ just uses the engine and Arma2 WASN'T that popular until DayZ came along and suddenly made it skyrocket.

Do not think I am 'defending' it. I am stating what it currently is.

Fair enough. I wish rocket and the rest of the team the very best of luck. I know that they're working with an engine that wasn't designed for this - I just wish they'd at least officially untie the hands of us admins, so that we can help them succeed. Learning who to trust and how to delegate are important.

I have a long experience of sandbox "pseudo RP" servers on Garry's mod. All of them with no exceptions where managed by douchebags who would ban you because you do not play the way they want to:

-If you would vote against them as chief of police/mayor/other position of autority.

-If you defended yourself as they bullied you.

Basically if we let servers do what they want we will have exactly the usual stuff going on.

clan [TAG] server, dominated by [TAG] members because if you burn their tents or steal their vehicles you will have broken some kind of rule and will be banned.

I do not hate server admins. but server admins are players too and if you admin and play on the same server, in a system where other players can roll over you, you will want to take actions because as the guy footing the bill, you feel you deserve to have fun.

Not having played (or adminned) Garry's mod, I can't comment on that specifically. However, I do take exception to your stereotype of all admins being douchebags. Believe it or not, some of us can actually lose gracefully, and some of us like to run servers fairly because we like playing on fair servers.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Your mileage may vary.

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Fair enough. I wish rocket and the rest of the team the very best of luck. I know that they're working with an engine that wasn't designed for this - I just wish they'd at least officially untie the hands of us admins, so that we can help them succeed. Learning who to trust and how to delegate are important.

Not having played (or adminned) Garry's mod, I can't comment on that specifically. However, I do take exception to your stereotype of all admins being douchebags. Believe it or not, some of us can actually lose gracefully, and some of us like to run servers fairly because we like playing on fair servers.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Your mileage may vary.

I understand and i agree that not every admins are evil, i don't have a personal vendetta. But this isn't the '80ties anymore, servers are affordable to "almost" everyone and it come with no responsabilities. The arma community is fairly mature, but, lets face it, most of the "clan" servers in online games (any games, not just arma) are not created with serving the community in mind, but with a self serving mentality "lets play local so we are the ones who define the rules".

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Ok, this has gone on long enough. I've been offended enough and can't take anymore.

Who the fuck are "Lady" Kyrah and Ravin? They're nobody socialist dirtbags who want to look down their noses at the rest of the gamers out there, toting how superior they are and how awesome their servers are. Complaining about someone else's servers, lumping them all together with the rest of the gaming world's servers for a bad trip they had, and then this "lady" makes some bullshit remark about the 80's..really?! What the fuck were you playing online in the 80's? You stupid fucking idiot, you weren't(most likely) even born then.

Yeah, Ravin isn't as much of a douche like Kyrah is, but he sure does act like he's a somebody because he's got 3 servers listed in his sig! OMG. Wow. I'm SUPER impressed. Still a douche. We've all been playing DayZ about the same amount of time. Nobody cares.

"But Paco, you're a nobody too"

Yup. I sure am. I'm a frustrated playing looking for help with a problem that people feel has become some sort of spiritual discussion about the Zen of admining a server. What the fuck?

Beans, I don't know why you bothered to even post her. Folic, don't waste your time here either. Nobody is going to help the "player' testers.

Thanks for nothing, you worthless self-righteous pricks. Go outside and do something in the sun.

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they don't even need scripts anymore..

lol this is preposterous

Edited by 4L4N

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Bunch of Rage

This is a discussion about the current rules and players being upset with mechanics of DayZ that DayZ doesn't control due to how Arma2 and Battleeye work. I believe ALL of us, Including Beans and Folic, agree there DEFINITELY needs to be more done to fix things. As I have stated several times in this thread I encouaged, agreed, and even backed off of some of my points because this was a discussion. I didn't see it as a debate. I find Beans and Folic very intelligent individuals and enjoyed talking to them

I never ONCE said anyone should be a better admin. If anything, I said be patient and you WILL win this battle. Its a frustrating job to be an admin and to claim I don't feel that same frustration is bold faced lie. I have possibly been fucked pretty hard on things I wanted to do with the Servers I help admin but instead of complaining, I realized what I can, and cannot do. Yeah, I had to swallow a bitter pill. But I would rather SWALLOW the bitter pill then be BITTER at everyone else. I would rather encourage other admins on proper work-arounds on the current rules and explain to them to cover ALL there bases instead of reaching for the banhammer first at the first sign of danger.

No admin should reach for the banhammer first.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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Your absolutely right, it still doesn't change the original issue though, my server is overrun by hackers different times of the day. I have personally stopped playing all together, and considerations to not bother renewing the server are floating around.

It's a major buzzkill.

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I still don't understand why players have access to scripting that influences other players. I've never seen this is any other game with scripting capabilities, like the Half-Life/Half-Life 2 engines. Is this an inherent flaw in the Arma 2 engine?

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lol this is preposterous

yeah... i feel like making multiple accounts on that forum telling that my account got global banned just to scare them eheh

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It is getting worse... :(

I guy i play(ed) with had a hacker spawn a copcar, run him over then proceed to loot our tents next to him as he was in shock. My motivation to play this game is going the wrong way very fast.

If any other server admins have a good filter list for battleye they would like to share, or some other tools... I am all ears. :(

Edited by Beans

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Yar. Hackers in full force on my servers too x3. I think they are upset over the recent global bans from Battleye.

Gotta spend dat money to come back and get dem hacks going.

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I still don't understand why players have access to scripting that influences other players. I've never seen this is any other game with scripting capabilities, like the Half-Life/Half-Life 2 engines. Is this an inherent flaw in the Arma 2 engine?

The source engine by default assume that the user cannot be trusted, as a result all the decision making is done by the server and nothing of importance is left to the client. And when it is, it is double checked (can this player really move there?). The only thing the client is allowed to do is trivial stuff like predicting where bullet holes are on the walls, lag compensation, movement interpolation etc.

The arma engine was designed to be used by the military and until arma 2 it wasn't possible to join a game in progress. It was also designed to leverage the client's power to reduce the load on the server. Example, if you are the leader of a soldier squad in arma, your computer is the one simulating all the AIs under your command. The point is that this system is designed for efficiency, not security, get the clients to do as much as possible.

Preventing cheats on this kind of system is going to be .. difficult.

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Something needs to change fairly soon for the mods sake. It's way worse than what Counterstike ever was at this point.

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Something needs to change fairly soon for the mods sake. It's way worse than what Counterstike ever was at this point.

I wouldn't go THAT far. XD.

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I wouldn't go THAT far. XD.

Oh it is. I have never seen so many cheaters in ANY game at one time like this. It's EVERY single server, multiple hackers per server.

They control the game now, DayZ's death-clock is ticking. I'll give it to September. :(

Also, How do i enable this?


Edited by Beans
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Another one who managed to find out hackers are ruining this, and every other game who has incompetent developers.

(for the kids: I'm talking about BIS, again for the kids: BIS = Bohemia)

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Another one who managed to find out hackers are ruining this, and every other game who has incompetent developers.

(for the kids: I'm talking about BIS, again for the kids: BIS = Bohemia)

Usually instead of criticising peoples that work in a field i know nothing about, i shut the hell up.

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