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More vehicles equal less vehicles

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Functioning vehicles are scarce - i get it. But my problem is understanding how a normal citizen is able to repair an engine (even worse an high tech helicopter) without any knowledge, so here my idea:

Before you get the option to repair a vehicle, you have to read a manual on how to repair said vehicle OR you must have the manual in your inventory as a tool.

Manuals only would work on the corresponding vehicle, you can't repair a truck with the knowledge of a car and vice versa

Manuals would be very rare and could only be found in corresponding areas ( e.g. helicopter = military/crash sites, truck/bus = industrial, tractor = farm, van/car = civilian )

BUT - an engine can't be repaired without tools, so the toolbox would again be necessary to repair vehicles.

also tools would have to be more rare

Now players need 2 rare (heli superare?) items in order to repair a vehicle. so the spawn numbers of vehicles could be way higher than now.

Yes - I do see this effect could be abused to get many many vehicles, BUT:

players would carefully hide manuals as they don't need them always

thus trading (and so socialising) between players would rise

so griefing would sink, as no one wants to trade with griefers

banditry would become more real as it is dangerous to kill players, as they won't always carry their manuals with them

bandits would have follow players up for miles to find a players tent, kill him, and loot it

more tension for players/bandits as players would always have to check for followers / bandits always care to not get detected

Third point

I don't get the point how a normal civilian is able to fly a helicopter, people without real training would crash and die when attempting to fly with one so again:

Manuals how to fly helicopters would be more realistic than now

they could be obtained from crash sites or as rare loot from barracks/hangars

clans would have to protect their pilots as they are the only ones who can get them out of an ambush

What are your thoughts on this guys?

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I like the way its now, thanks (y)

May I ask what is so bad about this idea, no offense against you, just wanting to know what I miss, so I can improve with future suggestions.

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I'm not so sure how to respond. It's a carefully thought out idea with structure.

However, I guess I'm neutral for this one.

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If you make something to difficult, a lot of people won't bother with it and it will push a lot of would be buyers or active players away.

having to find parts + keep it fueled + find the actual vehicle is enough as it is currently is to allow players to strive for it, and once finding it. Gain from it, if you made it harder the people would probably just start blowing up vehicles they didn't have the manuals for. To ensure someone else couldn't use the vehicle against them.

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you do know that not the character you play as is a veteren from the army..not just a random citizen hence "pvt ____" when you access your backpack

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come on who the fuck cares seriously its a fucking video game it doesnt have to be the exact same as real life

in real life does shit spawn

in real life can u pick up a gun in a supermarket

seriously shut the fuck up

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If you make something to difficult, a lot of people won't bother with it and it will push a lot of would be buyers or active players away.

having to find parts + keep it fueled + find the actual vehicle is enough as it is currently is to allow players to strive for it, and once finding it. Gain from it, if you made it harder the people would probably just start blowing up vehicles they didn't have the manuals for. To ensure someone else couldn't use the vehicle against them.

As it is now, most vehicles are hoarded by admins/clans. Many people don't ever see a car, but imagine the following:

You are freshly spawned character which sees a car. Your first thought is "damn that thing is nice i would love to ride it" But of course you can't as you have to repair it, so you are pushed by the desire to finally call a car your own, you walk through each loot spot and look after a manual. Not alone together with your friend. Sometimes you can see another abandoned car which doesnt work, your desire becomes stronger with every car you see. Finally you fiind a manual, you feel like accomplished something, not only found a car, but you searched hours just for an manual and now you are able to repair those car of your dreams - and then a bandit shoots you because you weren't careful enough ;)
you do know that not the character you play as is a veteren from the army..not just a random citizen hence "pvt ____" when you access your backpack

That is because of the ArmA engine, i think Rocket told us we are nothing more than mere civilians.

come on who the fuck cares seriously its a fucking video game it doesnt have to be the exact same as real life

in real life does shit spawn

in real life can u pick up a gun in a supermarket

seriously shut the fuck up

It is an Horror Survival SIMULATOR, it isn't any Arcade game.

So DayZ tries to simulate real life as near as possible - and i am trying to contribute.

I'd like to hear what in particular is so bad about my idea.

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come on who the fuck cares seriously its a fucking video game it doesnt have to be the exact same as real life

in real life does shit spawn

in real life can u pick up a gun in a supermarket

seriously shut the fuck up

True Story hahaha

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Why not have this, vehicles all consists of actual chassis and parts that can be 'hauled' physically into garage or fire stations where they can be fixed up?

Make a lot of 'damaged' and 'unoperatable' vehicles spawn more commonly (because in reality they would), but you can't repair them on the fly as you need tools to do so.

This is so when people hoard vehicles off the map, they can't get it repaired there until they DRIVE it back to a working 'repair station' area.

Adding vehicle degrading would be another idea to have them respawn better, as cars are metal and parts will rust and break over time, even when a player doesn't touch it.

Fire stations and warehouses can be equipped with these:


Firstly, to haul them you gotta make sure they have wheels, as wheels are the easiest part to installed and can be installed without complex tools, once they have wheels, you need 2+ people:

1 in driver seat to steer.

2-3 pushing in the back to move it.

Basically re-using the 'drag body' concept, you can have players stand behind the car, and choose a option to 'push car', this add a speed buff into a 'undrivable car' and it moves it forward at a dynamic speed.

Btw this is for repairing a wheeled vehicle, as helicopters and aircrafts would not be possible without bigger tools (or mobile repair centers).

Reasoning for this is not only do people hoard it, it's rather easy to reinstall a engine without complex tools... Do you guys even understand how friggin heavy a car engine is? A person cannot lift it alone!

Adding a 'lift or drag' mechanic to parts can be a interesting idea as you need to haul a engine BACK to the repair station to install it into a car (the game would do that systematically if the car is in the station and you have a engine near it).

This means you may have to put the engine on top of something flat with wheels and you pull it into the station... A wagon of some sort for heavy loads? A car engine weighs a couple hundred pounds btw so imagine carrying a fat 300 pound man.

A better toolbox, in the sense that it's not for basic fixing things but real overhaul and drastic tools for vehicles would be a good idea.

Edited by dra6o0n

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Dra6oOn has the truth of it.

Sadly, it'd make things too difficult.

Perhaps some cars can spawn with relatively easy things to repair (windglasses, no fuel, some flat tires) and these can be used to tow other vehicles to places where the neccesary tools to perform more throrough repairs?

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Dra6oOn has the truth of it.

Sadly, it'd make things too difficult.

Perhaps some cars can spawn with relatively easy things to repair (windglasses, no fuel, some flat tires) and these can be used to tow other vehicles to places where the neccesary tools to perform more throrough repairs?

So more vehicle spawns... BUT!

Simpler repairs is possible for most vehicles (vehicles that can be operated), but the better the vehicle the more likely it'll have more severe damage and wear, so you gotta bring it into a better facility.

Military stuff especially requires these facilities, so you will likely find more vehicles, just not 'great' vehicles.

Oh when pushing vehicles that can't be run, don't push it down a hill when someone is in it... They'll get a 'ride of their life'.

Edited by dra6o0n

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"I have no strong feelings one way or the other"

I always like little details. However getting things too complex sometimes yields bad results. I can see interface getting in the way, for example. Or manuals taking additional precious inventory space (specially for people that dont hoard items in stashes and are always on the go with just a backpack).

So the result is that I can't really decide which is better.

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that car pushing idea would be intresting and yes we need more vehicles cuz there is a lot of guys who has like 10+ cars @ there camps and its imposible to find new cars i have played this game for almost 3 moths and havent found any car yet :(

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I dont really like this idea. I mean, im not sure about what the situation with cars is in russia, but if i had to assume in real life there would be fully functioning cars (admittedly out of or low on gas) lying all over the place. Especially considering zombies dont realistically have the brains to blow up any of the hundreds of car husks we see lying all over the place.

I think this manual thing is just adding in another complication to a step that dosent even NEED to be complicated. Honestly, cars should be common place, not worshipped as gods.

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I'm not so sure how to respond. It's a carefully thought out idea with structure.

However, I guess I'm neutral for this one.

its really not. i know people that cant change a tire for their lives and they are supposed to fix a helo... right.

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