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Infection/Zed Animation on player corpses

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Just a suggestion, which has probably already suggested before but lost to the great sea of forum threads, say you're wandering into a nearly safe town to get something essential (Ammo,Food,Water,Source of light etc.) when suddenly, you get ambushed inside a house you've been searching by a zed,you kill it but,it takes a large chunk of your hand with it,(now this is where the fun comes in if you play with friends.) You go back to your friends, with a fever and coughing,your companions and you start walking away with you,but you turn,attacking your old friends or just start wandering in the ranks of the zed packs,

I think that this would be easy to present after the Zombification, keep the zeds AI, but on a survivor/Bandit skin.i think this my be imba to add to an already difficult game but it forces relying on your fellow survivors to keep you safe, maybe present this to the player by having a small groaning noise gradually getting louder, followed by distorted view, the way to counter-act effect is to administer morphine to keep the mind in check and alcohol and water to clear the infection.This presents new opportunities to either be a complete and utter horrible human being by keeping the infection hidden or be a saint and let them know you're infected so they can either treat you or put you down.Maybe make it so the infected survivors/bandits don't count to your unlawful murder count,

Before you go, I would also like to present another idea, namely zeds feeding on dead players corpses, someone's misfortune could be a someone else's jackpot, they don't need the feeding animation, even a crouching pack of zeds gathering around the corpse will do, maybe with this the Zeds get a sensory drawback like, reduced hearing and sight (Munching on flesh makes a lot of noise.) thanks for reading. to this line, you are a strong willed character who deserves a frosting covered consumable of your choice (go on you deserve it ;) ).Look forward to reading the peoples replies of how imbalanced or unfair this is to the player, got news for you, a Zombie apocalypse isn't gonna be fair.Day-Z clearly pointed this out. >:(

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I just had what I assume is a sweet idea. No research if this is original or not.

Players killed by zombies come back as zombies and act just like other zombies. Spin off they still carry all the gear the player had. Effect you can kill yourself :)

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that should be added with what the other guy said. still fucking pure genius and you sir also have my beans

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While I do agree with you that this would be an awesome idea, I'm keeping the beans.

Reading the DayZ mod backstory shows that the infection is similar to that in the movie I Am Legend.

The infection exterminated much of the local population, severely infecting others beyond the point of being human (Zeds)

But, some were already immune (Survivors)

But anyway, that's just my interpretation.

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