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So I've heard you like zombie survival games

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Right, so me and my friend bought Arma2 during the steam summer sales and went ahead to play DayZ , this is what we've got.

WARNING: Very long wall of text , don't expect a TLDR.

I've never spent as much time trying to figure out controls and general stuff in a game as much as I did in DayZ.

Oh you would like to take this backpack , better take all the chemlight around it first bro.

Oh you forgot to move stuff from your backpack before swapping it with the one on the ground? Well , better go find another ak that you had in your backpack then.

Let's move onto the combat shall we?

Zombies walking through walls? Check. Zombies not dying after a full clip from 1911? Check. Zombies zig zagging and generally teleporting around? Check.

I though this game was focused around zombies? Guess not , let's move onto the PvP part then.

Engagement #1: After finally acquiring decent equipment and supplies to head north from Electro we hear a car engine on the main road.

A car you say? MUST HAVE THAT NAO. Armed with AK's and full inventory of clips we pursue the sound of the car engine.

What we find is a police car with two guys in it , randomly jumping out followed by a <Insert Name Here> has died message.

We pour a mag into one of them and he just jumps into the car and starts driving towards us , just a bugged hitbox we think at that time.

They stopped literally 1metre away from me and I spray my whole mag into their heads while they just sit in their car chilling,

2 seconds later they both jump out and scream random "stuff" into their microphones while shooting me to bits, while my mate was still shooting them.

Conclusion: Best Kevlar EU, we both died and so did 10 more people in Electro.

Engagement #2: We kill a guy with a Lee Enfied ontop of the Fire Station in Electro and proceed to loot his body,

someone starts shooting us so we go prone and scan the area, we locate the shooter and shoot back ,

not sure if we killed our stalker or if he's just watching the ladders , we wait about 5 more minutes for the situation to calm down.

So , I'm on roof and my mate is up on the tower , I'm watching both ladders and he's scaning the area , suddenly , he dies, while prone.

Must have been a sniper somewhere on the hills I think , nope a guy that we previously shot at logged ontop of the tower and shot us both in the back.

Conclusion: Don't ever stay on one spot for more than 1 minute. Server hopping seems legit.

Engagement #3: Stary Sobor , above the military camp , as a group of 3 we'r moving towards the military camp to restock on ammo etc.

My mate is directly above the camp in the treeline , I'm above the electric box and another friend is watching the open field.

A group of 3 guys run straight towards my friend above the millitary camp and hes forced to open fire on one of them,

he died 1 second later from a headshot by a DMR. He managed to drop one of them atleast.

At this point it was a 2v2 , we had the higher ground with cover and intel advantage.

They ran straight towards us , in one line , so we both opened fire at the same time (M4A1 and M4A3 CCO) ,

the guy with the DMR must have eaten atleast 10 bullets before the went prone , yet he wasn't dead.

My mate died from a headshot (behind a stonewall / bush / higher ground) , I followed 1second afterwards ,

again a perfect headshot through the grass / bush / wall.

Conclusion: WHAT? That was my reaction on teamspeak after all that happened.

Engagement #4: Fresh respawn , Balota airstrip/military camp. We proceed to loot the military camp and get shot at by an unknown shooter.

We scan the entire area but we've got nothing , all this while they keep firing and missing every single bullet. We couldn't even hear the shots,

just the "zing" and the bullet hitting the ground. Guess they must be really far away then , the ACT maybe? Nope , that's clear.

Hmm, where could they be , oh look there's a really huge hill behind the ACT tower , we zig zag across the airfield on different sides and make it under the hill.

Guess what I've spotted , two guillie suited snipers (M24's) in prone under a tree. We both proceed to flank from different sides,

my mate equipped with a hatchet and me with an AKM and 3 mags. Easy pickings right? I was probably 5 metres away from these guys,

aiming straigh at their heads(they were lined up perfectly) , my mate emerged next to them with a hatchet and got shot in the face with an M9.

I opened fire , instantly dropped one of them(debug monitor yay) and saw the other one eat atleast 3 bullets and go prone.

I flan..k...e...d.... JK no messages recieved , they shut down the server before I could finish off the other dude or loot the body.

It wouldn't really matter anyway , seeing as when I logged onto a different server I was back on the side of the hill.

Meaning everything rolled back atleast 30seconds , my mate wasn't dead and the sniper probably didn't die either.

Conclusion: Yay for admin power(LU 81 btw).

Engagement #5: Running from Cherno to Electro to get to my mate with 3k blood. I notice a guy with a sniper rifle in the middle of the NW field.

Oh look there's two of them , nope make that three. All wearing the best backpacks and sniper rifles, probably checking Electro for noobs to snipe.

I managed to sneak behind them and opened fire on one of them , dropped him instantly , but where's the body? ALT F4.

Alright , onto the next ones , I zig zag rush the guy on my right in hopes that he didn't manage to swap to his secondary yet.

Dropped him with 5 bullets into the head/body , no body , ALT F4. I turn around to see that the last guy is trying to flank me with his pistol.

Zig zagged and emptied a full mag into him , hoping that he might have not managed to ALT F4 , jk he's gone.

Conclusion: Why is this even in the game? Even if their dead they can still ALT F4 and I won't be ably to get the loot , pretty legit.

My name was Cold and this has been my experience with the overhyped DayZ mod.

Thanks for reading.

PS. English is not my main language and this was written straight after Engagement #5 so please excuse any errors in spelling or grammar , cheers.

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Ugh just, I'll be honest I don't know what to say to you guys anymore. You realize how many threads there are of you whiny li'll biatches?

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I don't know what you were expecting from a mod that is still in alpha.

When it gets to the point where it's a standalone game, if these bugs/bad gameplay elements aren't adressed, then I would say you have a right to bitch about it.

I understand your frustration, though. But if you can't take that shit and keep playing, this was never the game for you.

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The whole point of making a mod and releasing it to people in alpha stage is to get the bugs fixed and ironed out, if your not willing to be a part of that then just wait for the full game to be released

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It's a lot like bitching about having taken a halfway built prototype for a joyride and then complaining that it's a shitty car because it had no seats or doors and the radio didn't work.

It's not even a game yet, and it's extremely rare for the general public to even SEE an alpha build let alone play it for several months. Someday this will be a game, right now it's a collection of a few random game mechanics and ideas. You gotta have some thick skin to play DayZ in it's current form. We ALL deal with the same shit you do. Suck it up or move along.

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I agree with the OP, except for one thing: I personally love Day Z and am quite addicted to it. Yes, 90% of the game is BS (hackers, teleporting and world class sprinting zombies, server hopping, disconnecting, and of course the zombies that can walk through walls and barbed wire), but 10% of this game is so original and enjoyable, that it makes up for the headaches.

By the way, I think the alpha stage is the perfect time for people to complain. I don't see why everyone is so quick to jump on someone for complaining about a game in alpha. Better to complain now than save your complaints for the release version.

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I agree with the OP, except for one thing: I personally love Day Z and am quite addicted to it. Yes, 90% of the game is BS (hackers, teleporting and world class sprinting zombies, server hopping, disconnecting, and of course the zombies that can walk through walls and barbed wire), but 10% of this game is so original and enjoyable, that it makes up for the headaches.

Exactly, that's why I'm having a hard time quiting DayZ. Like that time I racked up 9 kills at the Electro Fire Station just to get to that sweet DMR on the second floor.

The problem is that those moments are just way too rare.

Oh and I fell through the floor with that DMR later , breaking my bones and dying.

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