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My Game is having a seizure :( , Very bad FPS

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I am really butthurt on how bad this game is optimized,

It seems like computer specs dont matter at all. its basically engineered for one type of computer model and the rest can go f*** themselves.

When i saw this guys post i got fkng ballistic

amd athlon 2x core at 2.5 ghz

8800gt gpu

4 gigs of ddr2 ram

get 40-50 fps on medium

Some servers just run like shit

I get maybe 75 fps in forests and 30! fps in cities or towns only my specs are...

2600k @ 4.5 GHZ


Arma on SSD 400mb/s read 250 mb/s write

GTX 570 1280MB GDDR5


Putting the settings on NORMAL, HIGH OR EXTRA HIGH doesnt do SHIT!

it fluctuates around 10 frames difference if i dont go into any towns.

If i do it basically turns into a big pile of doodoo no matter what.





Startup Parameters:

-maxmem=16668 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -dsound -MAXVRAM=1280 -world=empty



How do i resuscitate this pile of monkey ballz

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It's a bit of Arma and Server lag.

Sometimes Arma can run like perfect, and others like nothing.

It's not your system, it's mostly just Arma.

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It seems like arma is using the video ram like its own personal junkyard, instead of rendering its storing all this junk onto vram typically (960mb used)

what a waste of fkng ddr5

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that's the way this game is. you just got to not pay attention to the numbers and only worry if you're getting bad stuttering. 30 fps really isn't that bad. when it gets to the low-mid 20's it gets bad

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Hmm, that's a load of crap.

I'm running this:

AMD Phenom II 1090T @ 3.6Ghz

8GB Corsair RAM

AMD HD6950 @840/1325

ArmA 2 on a WD 1TB Caviar Black FAEX HD.

If I on avg get 60FPS in the Wilderness and 45 in towns then there are more than likely optimisation issues with your setup.

First off why is DayZ on a RAMDISK when you have ArmA II installed to your SSD? Is that even possible.

The game is usually pretty CPU dependant but also seems to crap all over VRAM, so if you have access to a 2GB gfx card you may want to test it.

The other thing is even if you have the best CPU/GPU combo in the world, this game will run like crap. It's pretty single threaded for the main part (usually using 1 or 2 main threads with 1 or 2 helper threads) and has a really bad optimisation for GPU usage.

Pity really, I just imagine how good this would be in CryEngine3...

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