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My piss poor job of wanting to kill someone

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I was on day 22 of survival. I had a great place to set up camp, and put all my prized stuff in it. took off my back pack and had nothing but a DMR and some food and was ready to go kill some bandits.

started heading out and came across a Zombie...ran for a minute to a remote spot to kill this annoying fuck. turned around and with one hit knocked my ass out. the time was quick but I was losing blood fast. As I came to, I got up and tried to run...and then the asshole had the common courtesy to brake my leg...AND THEN!!!!! i died...like a bitch.

what is even more sad is that when I got to my camp spot...my damn tent was gone. So.....I lost everything. balls.

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While we're all here can you explain your signature "everyone is a bandit?" Tank u sir

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In game the total amount of people I have killed is....1. I'm pretty sure your AS50 would have killed me. but I was looking for that type of action. hence why I took off all the stuff I worked hard for.

but I epicly failed.

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While we're all here can you explain your signature "everyone is a bandit?" Tank u sir

we all find tents and raid them. we all brake into markets and take the food and what not. we brake and enter in ever building we can get in to. we all will kill on site. everyone is a bandit

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What happened to you is just DayZ's way of saying it loves you.

haha pretty much. It's like christmas morning, and you wake up to find DayZ sitting on the couch waiting for you to open the present he got you. You're excited to see whats in it, and as you are unwrapping the pretty present you look up at DayZ and say "oh, you shouldn't have" and continue. Then once you open it, a hand comes out and bitch slaps you in the face.

Edited by LetterKilled
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haha pretty much. It's like christmas morning, and you wake up to find DayZ sitting on the couch waiting for you to open the present he got you. You're excited to see whats in it, and as you are unwrapping the pretty present you look up at DayZ and say "oh, you shouldn't have" and continue. Then once you open it, a hand comes out and bitch slaps you in the face.

Lol! Well put.

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