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Logging in unconscious every time and mass FPS drop?

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I logged out last night in a safe spot, no players around, no zombies around, no broken bones, 12,000 blood, not in shock and today every time i log in i am unconscious and have to wait 5 minutes for what????

Also after i am able to move my FPS sits at 3FPS WHY? I am in chernogorsk up on a tower and frame rate last night on log out was fine and dandy at 20FPS. Now today its 3FPS

AMD FX 6100 6 cores 3.4G



Windows 7 64

Never had this low frame rate till today, what the hell is going on? 95389 royally screwed this game up with artifacts, stupid unconscious on log in and now this 3 FPS making the game unplayable..

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I have had the same problem with the becoming unconscious, but never understood why. As of the FPS it could be the server's problem whether the server is really far away from your computer location or just the server itself having issues.

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I have had the same problem with the becoming unconscious, but never understood why. As of the FPS it could be the server's problem whether the server is really far away from your computer location or just the server itself having issues.

Sorry but FPS has nothing to do with the server being far away or not, you are thinking of latency. Im talking about frames per second (video graphics speed). Something in this latest patch royally screwed this game up for a lot of people and i mean A LOT!!!

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Well I have noticed that one of my friends always ran slower then the rest because he was moving really slow. One way he brought it back up as a temporary fix was just looking slightly at the ground so you don't have to render that much, but his FPS only dropped in forests. Another thing would be to disable antialiasing and anisotropic and also to lower quality.

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I have had the unconscious timer before i dont no what causes it. but as for the frame-rate issue i haven't had any frame-rate drops from this new patch.

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The major FPS lag happens to me every now and then on different servers even with my 16 GBs of RAM, 6 Core AMD Processor, and nVidia GTX 570 TI graphics card. IT's an issuee that I only have with specific servers and I know that for a fact because if I log out and log back into the same server, the same FPS drop happens. Then, when I join a different server, my FPs goes back to normal. TL;DR: Join a different server.

And for the random unconcious logins, it's because you logged out while you were already knocked out (by crashing your computer or such) or because you logged out while you were in and/or didn't know that you were in shock (the little "broken chain" icon above the broken leg icon). It will last for two minutes and appear that it isn't moving at all, but it really is. TL;DR: You logged out while in shock or while unconcious. Give it two minutes.

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The major FPS lag happens to me every now and then on different servers even with my 16 GBs of RAM, 6 Core AMD Processor, and nVidia GTX 570 TI graphics card. IT's an issuee that I only have with specific servers and I know that for a fact because if I log out and log back into the same server, the same FPS drop happens. Then, when I join a different server, my FPs goes back to normal. TL;DR: Join a different server.

And for the random unconcious logins, it's because you logged out while you were already knocked out (by crashing your computer or such) or because you logged out while you were in and/or didn't know that you were in shock (the little "broken chain" icon above the broken leg icon). It will last for two minutes and appear that it isn't moving at all, but it really is. TL;DR: You logged out while in shock or while unconcious. Give it two minutes.

No as i stated i was not in combat, no zombies around, no players around, no broken bones, no shock, no nothing. Just logged out in a SAFE spot for the night.

Anyways i think i figured out the problem with the lag/FPS and possibly unconsciousness (due to the lag). But is STILL a problem with the game itself either dayz or arma2.

Seems if the server runs too long and builds up to 1.5GB or ram used players start seeing FPS drops and server is being overloaded?

I restarted my server and logged in super fast with normal FPS now.

My server console at the time of the FPS and unconscious issue read:

Players 21/40

CPU usage 14%

RAM 1.83 GB used

Bandwidth 500k - 3MB

I am now setting my server to restart every 6 hours versus every 12 hours now to hopefully not see this issue any longer. It still doesnt make any sense with the usage listed above the game is doing this..

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I have the excact same problem, but its always the same server. Every other server works fine...

But i have tents on that server...

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Low FPS is usually caused by the server - Unless of course you have a low quality computer. Simply switch servers until that server is restarted and you'll be good to go.

Also - Being knocked unconscious on load in is ALSO a server related issue. You'll notice that if you switch servers, you won't be unconscious. I believe it's a bug. It will go away when the server that is making you unconscious, is restarted. Or if you die.

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