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Strategos (DayZ)

Zombie hearing/ teleporting through wall

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Date/Time: 23/05/12 1.30pm gmt

What happened: In Back of hanger near wall. Zombie, hears me (even though creeping) and teleports through wall to attack me.

Where you were: North Airfield North Hangar back corner.

What you were doing: crouch / creeping, looting goods.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: EU17

*Your system specs: i5, 8gb ram, nvidia 560ti

*Timeline of events before/after error: Crept past many zombies successfully only to be attacked by one through a wall. very frustrating.

PS: This happens alot as i'm sure your aware. But this is the first time I've got annoyed enough to file a bug report. this building / zombie alert issue is my current worst bugbear.

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Similar issue. I was crouching/slow-walking in one of those long wooden barns where zombies wander outside the walls. I was being silent but still when one got too close to where I was along the wall it saw me and came after me.

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Happens often in buildings such as hangars and medical tents, with rather thin walls. They can even "see" you through the wall sometimes, not just hear.

The zombie teleporting is an issue with all kinds of buildings. If there are so many zombies that they are blocking the entrance ways, some zombies will often start rushing through the building walls at insane speed and slash you. Repeat infinite times until you're dead.

I can imagine it...

"Zombie Tips #1: Press X to teleport through wall, then press Y to slash player to death."

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I also find that in buildings I have to be MUCH more careful about noise if I'm high up, it almost feels like the noise detection is done in 2D not 3D and you can alert a zombie at street level even when you 3 stories up, the same as if you are right next to it.

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