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Looking for a few good men....

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So lets just put it bluntly...I run with a small unit of ex-clan members of a larger group (insert big name group here)...recently...we have grown tired of the bullshit that all players like ourselves face (dying with no weapon/shitty glitches/random sniper encounters on a server of 5 people.) We are looking for a couple guys who are just in this game for the fun and the thrill of the hunt. We don't kill people for fun....we protect those who are helpful. We shoot the bastards who point their Lee Enfield to an unarmed n00b spawning on the coast. We are well-armed and ready to assist anyone in anyway. But our ultimate agenda is to build an elite crew of 5-6 guys who can easily take down the rogue groups that want to do the same to us.....take our loot and raid our camps.

All you need to do is PM me or just respond...looking for people OLDER than 18....

Have SKYPE or TeamSpeak (although we dont use that bullshit)

Be able to speak English...and laugh your ass off half the time we play (cause some of us are drunk when playing)

Like I said..we have the resources and the ability to do a lot more than a larger group of 50 + members.

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"Right now our group consists of a pot smoking teacher who aggros everything and a drunk sniper who has to hold back his urges to shoot allies for fun"

Half the fun of playing with us

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20 year old here from US looking for a group and your pitch sounds very intriguing. I am an honest dude who is just looking to have fun and goof around though I am also very familiar with the game and can get down to business when things get serious. I am pretty experienced in the game and pride myself on my shooting ability and tactical skills which have been groomed from countless hours of CS/dayz/DoD/Rainbow Six/you name it!

Steam/Skype: jordanmrocks

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meh im not 18 but i'm 15 isn't that close enough >.> i have a pretty average/low gear cause i was running with a friend that dont play DayZ often enough for me i'm a good sniper so i can do over watch on looting runs and (not to brag) i use a joystick and a great heli driver skype ftw i run a server (even though it doesn't make a huge deal cause i dont get anything special) but it could be a could group HS but it gets pretty full around mid day. NOW ok and i can laugh my ass off and i can make u laugh or ass off if i wanted to but i dont yet >.> so tobad

oya and i made this dayz forum profile today

Edited by breno987

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19 here.

Looking for a group, kinda bored of playing on my own.

Figure it'd be nice to make a friend somewhere

By the way, Michigander here, very fluent in ze english :)

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Hey F0twenty, Just a little bit about me.

22 Age in august, Live and breath shooters, Arama2, Zombie shit, for the enjoyment.

I am pretty laid back person, And don't take stuff to serious, But i know when to, And like to have a good ol fashion time.

Would be highly interested in running with Y'all and make some fun memories on here, And new gamer buddies for future references.

Consider me probably the most trust worthy person you will find IRL and over net Lol.

Other than that i have TeamSpeak, And ready to roll.

I have experience with shooters for 10+yrs since i was a little ol kid, So also i am very skilled/Elite with any kinda shooter/Survival/Zombie game, Like DayZ for instance.

Would love, If Y'all loved to have me on the squad. Let me know if you want to know anything else.

BTW: My English is very southern country, For i have lived in Oklahoma City all my life haha.

Anyways take care!!! See ya around!

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We are looking for a couple of people who want to run right now....find me on skype...f0twenty

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I'm 20 and this is exactly what I'm looking for. Getting a bit tired of playing alone but, I don't wanna have to join up with some 100+ clan or whatever I just wanna play me some god dayum DayZ with some chill peeps.

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