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Kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #55

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My buddy and I are getting this as well. We were playing on Server A, took a break and logged off. Jumped on Server B because it was night time and we had a long cross country run to make, so nighttime was our friend. Once we got to where our tents were we tried logging back into Server A and we both got kicked for this before we could load in. No vehicles, hadn't even picked up any new gear (not even a can of food).

When we try to "re-install battleye" we get a missing string error.

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Got a "Missing String" error when I tried to re-install Battle Eye after getting this error. I have no clue what "string" is missing. I run no scripts or any of that crap. I was playing fine and doing nothing special. I was in the deep woods when BAM!. Error #55....

So how can I fix this? I can get on some servers, but not my normal server.

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Update: For those that continue to have this problem.

Go Here ... http://battleye.com/download.html

And Manually update your Battle Eye dll files.

Fixes the issue without any hardships as all you do is download 2 .dll files and replace the exiting files.

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Update: For those that continue to have this problem.

Go Here ... http://battleye.com/download.html

And Manually update your Battle Eye dll files.

Fixes the issue without any hardships as all you do is download 2 .dll files and replace the exiting files.

Have some beans for your hard work.

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Same thing happened to me while driving a PBX. I'll try the manual BE download.

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Update: For those that continue to have this problem.

Go Here ... http://battleye.com/download.html

And Manually update your Battle Eye dll files.

Fixes the issue without any hardships as all you do is download 2 .dll files and replace the exiting files.

Worked partly, it still kicks when a vehicle explodes near you then they disappear (well not boats they stay).

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Worked partly, it still kicks when a vehicle explodes near you then they disappear (well not boats they stay).

Yeah. I was reading about that also. A helicopter had crashed and it threw everyone out of a server.

Definately needs to have battleye fixing their stuff.

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I got kick out for the same reason but inever hop in any vehicle. it kisk me out twice after i died.Seriusly WTF

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This just happened to me and I wasn't anywhere near a vehicle. I had only been in-game for about a minute.

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Update: For those that continue to have this problem.

Go Here ... http://battleye.com/download.html

And Manually update your Battle Eye dll files.

Fixes the issue without any hardships as all you do is download 2 .dll files and replace the exiting files.

Thank you!

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