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Speed up the boat(s)

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Title says it all really.

The boats are nigh on useless because they are so slow. What makes it worse is that they slow down immensely when you try to change direction.

Please, please, please make them a little faster.

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Man, are they pigs.

PBX rocks, though.

Too bad none of them store items.

Edited by Disgraced

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Man, are they pigs.

PBX rocks, though.

Too bad none of them store items.

yeah, should be like a motocycle, hold 4 or 5 items. Just enough to fit a few Jerry cans would be perfect. I also 2nd for speeding up boats, those things are pretty much death traps at that speed.

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Aye, make the fishing boat go at 60 km/h after a bit of buildup. I can run faster than it's current speed.

And it makes no sense that you can store tons of tanktrap kits in a car yet you can't put a spare jerry can in the boat.

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Small boats and fishing boats have about 15km/h maximum speed (according to the wiki), while the PBX is about 60. Quite the difference isn't it?

I'm up for speeding up the boats, or adding more variety (row boats for example). However, what will happen to all those guys who are confident nobody will ever drive a boat down to Stalinsky Island and raid their camps? Sucks to be them!

I think it'd be easy to increase their speed, but if they do, decrease the spawn rate to near helicopter levels, so we don't have a flotilla going up and down the coast (not that there's actually any use in doing that since all the good loot is way north, but still).

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