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Flushing is About as Useful as an Art Graduate

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So with the new patch, most of us have been having major issues with Graphical Artifacting. This makes it nearly impossible to navigate towns/cities for obvious reasons. There has been a "Work-around" going around where you hold shift and the "-" key on the number pad and then typing "Flush." This is TEMPORARY and the artifacting comes back within seconds/minutes.

I guess my question is this: Are there any permanent or at least long lasting solutions for the artifacting issue? Is there a fix being made in the works now? I can hardly even play this game.

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I like your style. Title made me lol. I have nothing to contribute to this thread though

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I set my 3d to the same resolution as my monitor (1920x1080) and put my game to fullscreen 1920x1080. That fixed it for me.

I still get it in some places, but the flushing fixes those areas when it happens.

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It sucks but if u change servers it will usually fix it works for me

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