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FPS issues & mouse glitchy when looking through back/going through other menus.

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I'm using an iMac 27" There are two models of the 27" but, I believe this is the PoS I own


.The Mac is bootcamped, and I've been through numerous tutorials for lowering FPS lag and I've also turned all the settings down. It's helped a lot, but I'm still moving pretty slowly and looking around is a bit laggy as well. If anyone could help me bring down the lag just a bit more it'd be greatly appreciated. But, one other issue I'm having is when looking through my pack or sometimes when browsing through servers/changing graphical settings etc. The mouse will skip/glitch around.

Again, any input that could help solve these problems would be greatly, greatly! appreciated. Thanks.

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C:\Users\username\Documents\ArmA 2 contains ArmA2OA.cfg

inside this cfg file set both



to fix mouse lag.

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and dont set texture to normal no matter what settings you disable. set video mem to default, texture quality to high.

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Tried yet?

Yeah, I've tried that video.

C:\Users\username\Documents\ArmA 2 contains ArmA2OA.cfg

inside this cfg file set both



to fix mouse lag.

I've done that, still have mouse lag.

and dont set texture to normal no matter what settings you disable. set video mem to default, texture quality to high.

I've also done most of that, I don't think I set the texture quality to high though.

Thanks for the input guys. I'll give all these the run over and double check that I did everything.

EDIT: Also, I've been seeing people saying that you should make sure that it's using each of the CPU's available, but, whenever I look for the CPUCount=# thing I can never find it. Exactly where is it?

Edited by Randy-Butternubs

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The "-cpucount=#" isn't a config file it's a startup parameter that you can add via a shortcut or in Six Launcher / DayZ Commander

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The "-cpucount=#" isn't a config file it's a startup parameter that you can add via a shortcut or in Six Launcher / DayZ Commander

I know that much. But, I couldn't find it. But, I just did so thanks a bunch bro!

Edited by Randy-Butternubs

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You mean you can't find it in Six Launcher?

Six Launcher:

Open Six Launcher.

Click on the "options" button directly underneath the Twitter icon in the bottom left.

In the "Additional startup parameters" box type "-cpucount=#" without quotes, # being the number of cpus you have.

DayZ Commander:

Open DayZ Commander

Click on the "settings" button in the upper right corner to the left of "donate" and right of "versions"

In the box under "Additional Startup Parameters" type "-cpucount=#" without quotes, # being the number of cpus you have.

If you need it I can put up a guide on doing this for Steam and Desktop shortcuts but most people use one of these two.

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