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In-game time - possible to check before joining?

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Hello, I'm new to DayZ so please correct me if got something wrong.

As far as I understand all those [GMT+2] or [uTC-6] in host name are indicating what is the in-game time.

Unfortunately very often when I join the server I see the time zone from name is not true. Just a minutes before I was joining supposedly [GMT-8] (3:00 PM) just to notice after the game load it self that it is 10:30 PM in-game.

Is there any reason why the time zone in name does not much the one in-game?

Is there any method to verify what is the in-game time for a server before joining it?

It is a bit annoying when you have to spend 40 min to find a server that has a reasonable ping, population and a day time in-game... :(

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DayZ Commander's server browser can might give the server time before you join. It'll also update and launch DayZ, and plays nice with Steam versions of ARMA 2.


Edit: Might :)

Edited by tomfin

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I'm from the US so I try to stick to low ping, US servers. All the US servers I've joined have been day time servers. Because I'm on the East coast, and know its still day time throughout the US.

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DayZ Commander's server browser can give the server time before you join. It'll also update and launch DayZ, and plays nice with Steam versions of ARMA 2.


Only if the server has set the proper timezone in it's name.

Sadly, not all of them are accurate.

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There is (as of now?) no way to tell the real time on a server - this information is not in the server reply when asking for variables afaik.

I started writing notes in DayZCommander for each server i tried, which has the wrong time in it's name. But with this method i wont see it, when a server which had the wrong info in its name, got corrected. :(

Edited by Edana
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Well some peep are stuck with hfb servers they cant get the timezone changed. (awaiting a simple windows hotfix install & reboot) :(

Then there are the bugged servers that need a reboot to fix the time.

And then there is alot of lazy admins u cant be bothered to update there titles.

Myself i just found 4 servers & added to my favourites on dayz-commander.

2 in eu with nice pings, and then 2 in usa with alright pings & all the timezones are spreadout by 12 hours.

So i can jump into night / day servers with no looking around.

Keeps things simple & avoids hassle when gamespy takes another nose dive.

edit:- As far as i know there is no way to check ingame time without jumping in.

DayZ-Commander just works out the time based on the servers title.

Edited by Torndeco

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