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Chow Maine

Starting a new group

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This topic is now closed, i have a new group topic

Edited by Chow Maine

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Me also. From UK and am looking for a team/group.

Just message me if you want to team up.

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I'll join I need a group and I am a great pilot if we ever find a Huey also I run my own server we can use and I have Skype.msg me and will talk.

Edited by duza9999

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Im game bro , Matty119 Steam name.

Pretty exp but just lost all my gear so got nothin to lose with joining a group

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I'm up to join if anyone's willing to have me. My skype name to add is Noisenoisenoisenoise.

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Matty, there are a couple profiles, is there any other way of adding you? (skype)

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