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camo for weapon when you have guilie suite.

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like the topic says. it would be really nice to have camo for your weapon when you have guilie suite on.

right now the weapon is almost the only thing that reveal your position.

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Again would require alot of pretty useless modding for weapons, I'd rather have more actual content than just some ghillie'd guns. + There's always SVD camo. And It's not the gun that reveals you it's movement.

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They would have to completely remodel the guns so they have camo material on it. Not really worth it.

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just use a SVD camo

I think the svd shouldn't have camo and be made as common as the dmr because let's face it the svd isn't a rare weapon in the real world nor is the ammo, the camo netting instead should be something you have to find and can be put on any long gun.

And if no the svd than the Romanian psl which is almost a cone of it but is in reality a ak with a longer barrel and better accuracy.

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well it dont have to be the most important update right now. but it would be nice to have in a future patch :)

and ofcourse only the modern military sniper rifles should have it. m24,SVD,m107, AS50 and whatever military sniper rifle we have in this game.

cz550 is not a military sniper rifle thats a hunting rifle.

Edited by ExeTick

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