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U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

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What is the point of this video, should everyone make a video each time they get kills on undergeared players?

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Oh so you 'saw' them then. So you weren't killed spawning in. You clearly had visuals on them then and then they killed you both. :I Can you stick with one story?

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You don't 'Quit' to respawn. You merely go to the lobby. You don't completely disconnect.

Then why bring up the fifth person? 'There was five' When they left. It seems a bit pointless to break that fact up. Im not calling it anything but "We died on this server, so we need to gear up on another server and come back to kill them!" That's fine with me and all. Just your whole "Oh man they got us spawning in." I hear G17 shots and I think the M14 guy shot once or twice at Zan, certainly was a lot of guys all aiming in the same direction attempting to return fire. I do applaud you for not Alt-F4ing and disconnecting, however.

As you can see, neither of the guys that killed you had sniper gear. Just an L85 and M4A1 SD.

I bring it up because if your guys had scanned SE his awesome video would have been even awesome-r.

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I bring it up because if your guys had scanned SE his awesome video would have been even awesome-r.

I would have been amused if Ooski died. because then he would have raged.

Would be the greatest day ever.

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Oh so you 'saw' them then. So you weren't killed spawning in. You clearly had visuals on them then and then they killed you both. :I Can you stick with one story?

watch the video. i just spawned, heard SD shots being fired from my six, ran to flank the guy, had my pistol out so i opened fire, then i got shot. i obviously found out the guy had a thermal from the video.

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watch the video. i just spawned, heard SD shots being fired from my six, ran to flank the guy, had my pistol out so i opened fire, then i got shot. i obviously found out the guy had a thermal from the video.

But that doesn't mean you were being killed while spawning in. There is a big difference from spawn killing someone, saying its like CoD or Mw3, and then you having enough time to take cover near a HIGHLY dangerous area and then be able to return fire and then die.

That's not spawn killing. That's a mix of bad luck and piss-poor timing.

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They also had a fal which now is as deadly as a sniper rifle (and just as if not louder). They had 2 coyote daddys and 2 alice.And to be fair, you attempted to flank him with 2 guys which I commend you for, most fail groups just F4 or run away hands waving in the air blind firing. I placed the name of shame because you left the server... you should of stayed or at least jumped on to our TS. Had you or any group of people that we smash get the balls to say well done guys that was good, I woudl gladly give kit from my personal stash to help you back on your way. And what teh fuck ids the hang up with ppl about Thermal... its like counter strike all over again with the fkin AW/M.... Just because you dont have it dont make it right to cry about... Just cuz you cant use it... dont make it right to cry about...

For your information CQB's with the L85 is fkin hard due to the fact that you have a preset zoom level and there is hardly any defenition in scenery on thermal when your trying to quickly aquire a target, let alone in a darker forrest. I had just swapped to the L85 to scout sniper hill as we were about to move up. and liek I say, I wasn't going to swap to my M4 and let you (girth) and B100D flank my mate.. HOWEVER had the tables turned you would of thought it christmas. you could of kitted your guys out (all 5) with NVG's which we had taken from some poor server hoppers the other day. Take it on the chin and please please do come back for some pew pew.. At this late stage of the game for us, we love the challenge and competition.

Now... If only the GYB guys could step up to the mark.

....all 4 of us literally just spawned into the server 2 seconds before......

Let be known... U.B.C.S. are everywhere... It's our server for a reason :)

Happy hunting chaps

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Well the fact of the matter is.

Your crew who just "spawned in" happened to spawn in in a way that had the pointman i shot running RIGHT at me, without seeing me, he was quite literally 5meters to my north east.

Saying that we are lame?

Killing you with high end "sniper" gear?

The only partial "sniper" gear we had on us was the Guillie suits.

"nono, we got cought with our pants down" You were trying to flank me.

The only sad part of the movie was that you 4 got so mad that you left the server, then came on the forum to cry about getting killed because you are pretty much blind.

And then start flaming the people who killed you.

Had your pointman had eyes, he would have seen what i did, 4 dots on my peripheral vision, that, and STANDING up and running behind stary doesn't really make you covert agents, you werent hard to spot.

Just saying mate..

Looking forward to meeting you the next time.

And to make matters worse, the weapons you had available does more damage than the ones we used on you.

Take it as a set back, and learn from it.

It is a game afterall chaps. "You had just spawned in" Is a terrible excuse, people who just spawn in, don't aquire a target and flank someone instantly.

And i had logged in 5seconds before you guys came there, and Ooski came in right when the firefight started.

So we were equal on those ground's.

We are not to blame here for takeing you out, you got yourself killed, for not spotting up on the high end of the perch, where it's known to be a dangerous place, because it's well within range of sniperhill on stary, and it gives good cover from all angles.

Your so called 5th, and your crew simply lost respect after you started flaming us for killing you due to gear diffrence, it simply shows you have no idea what the gear means.

Had the guy with the FN Fal hit me once i would have gone down, Same With the AKM, M14 AIM, 3Shots from the M4A1, 5shots from the G17 you were firering..

I had an M4A1 SD, which takes 6shots+ to kill anyone with.

The ONLY cover i had was ONE tree..

And YOU were flanking me.

And had you used everything that was available to you, you would have seen my mate on peripheral and could have taken him out AS he spawned in.

So you were trying to justify your death somehow?

If it's because you are new to the game, lack terrain experience, and are unsure on how to use all the hud options that are given to you, then i take everything back, and say, well sorry chaps, bad luck.

Still, we are looking forward to the point when you server hop back and try to kill us!

We are literally dieing to meet you again.

Edited by Zantiago

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A well executed ambush, UBCS. Was there an operation being interrupted?

The video lacks that important context. SitRep and AAR would be interesting.

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A well executed ambush, UBCS. Was there an operation being interrupted?

The video lacks that important context. SitRep and AAR would be interesting.

I think Ooski and Zan were trying to hunt campers on Starry. Then found these guys instead. We have a habit of going to kill other bandits we feel are 'misleading' or 'incorrectly' playing. This is our viewpoint however as it is a sandbox game. We just like to make sure they aren't doing it on our servers.

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I want to take this point now and say Girth, b100d, moe and adam.. if you post on this page grats or somethign posative I will gladly give you my beans... because you guys (regardless of the server leave after death) are a FANTASTIC example to the community Not only did the video show you guys getting killed it showed other players HOW NOT TO F4 when you get shot at. This i Commend you for and as respect for this.. I will edit the opening statement on my OP.

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I think Ooski and Zan were trying to hunt campers on Starry. Then found these guys instead. We have a habit of going to kill other bandits we feel are 'misleading' or 'incorrectly' playing. This is our viewpoint however as it is a sandbox game. We just like to make sure they aren't doing it on our servers.

Cleaning house. Seems appropriate to the UB Corp. theme.

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Well the fact of the matter is.

Your crew who just "spawned in" happened to spawn in in a way that had the pointman i shot running RIGHT at me, without seeing me, he was quite literally 5meters to my north east.

Saying that we are lame?

Killing you with high end "sniper" gear?

The only partial "sniper" gear we had on us was the Guillie suits.

"nono, we got cought with our pants down" You were trying to flank me.

The only sad part of the movie was that you 4 got so mad that you left the server, then came on the forum to cry about getting killed because you are pretty much blind.

And then start flaming the people who killed you.

Had your pointman had eyes, he would have seen what i did, 4 dots on my peripheral vision, that, and STANDING up and running behind stary doesn't really make you covert agents, that are hard to spot.

Just saying mate..

Looking forward to meeting you the next time.

moejoe aka your first kill was afk and came back to a YOU ARE DEAD screen. not sure if that was the point man you're talking about. we DID just spawn in. don't act like it was something else. we had been on a server that had crashed and joined a low-pop one (yours) to try to get more loot at stary. i did the best i could given the situation by just moving away from there and trying to save my guys.

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.... its just a shame we didn't get a chance to actually go toe to toe.

For your information you managed to get alot of shots off... thats the reason I did not switch out to my CCO.

So you did engage, you had Zant pinned down and unable to move, had you continued to flank up hill instead of pistioling, you would of had him. Dont server hop, Join us on TS make UBCS your home.. and who knows you might learn something.

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They also had a fal which now is as deadly as a sniper rifle (and just as if not louder). They had 2 coyote daddys and 2 alice.And to be fair, you attempted to flank him with 2 guys which I commend you for, most fail groups just F4 or run away hands waving in the air blind firing. I placed the name of shame because you left the server... you should of stayed or at least jumped on to our TS. Had you or any group of people that we smash get the balls to say well done guys that was good, I woudl gladly give kit from my personal stash to help you back on your way. And what teh fuck ids the hang up with ppl about Thermal... its like counter strike all over again with the fkin AW/M.... Just because you dont have it dont make it right to cry about... Just cuz you cant use it... dont make it right to cry about...

For your information CQB's with the L85 is fkin hard due to the fact that you have a preset zoom level and there is hardly any defenition in scenery on thermal when your trying to quickly aquire a target, let alone in a darker forrest. I had just swapped to the L85 to scout sniper hill as we were about to move up. and liek I say, I wasn't going to swap to my M4 and let you (girth) and B100D flank my mate.. HOWEVER had the tables turned you would of thought it christmas. you could of kitted your guys out (all 5) with NVG's which we had taken from some poor server hoppers the other day. Take it on the chin and please please do come back for some pew pew.. At this late stage of the game for us, we love the challenge and competition.

Now... If only the GYB guys could step up to the mark.

Let be known... U.B.C.S. are everywhere... It's our server for a reason :)

Happy hunting chaps

forgot about the FAL. we had just picked that up a few minutes prior. we had no idea who killed us. if i had known i would have came into TS and laughed at what had just happened.

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moejoe aka your first kill was afk and came back to a YOU ARE DEAD screen. not sure if that was the point man you're talking about. we DID just spawn in. don't act like it was something else. we had been on a server that had crashed and joined a low-pop one (yours) to try to get more loot at stary. i did the best i could given the situation by just moving away from there and trying to save my guys.

"Low populated Server"

-Checks GameServer Ranks, Last 24hour players for US128.-

"Rank went from 180, to 91st out of several thousand DayZ servers."


"People in the last 24 hours a steady amount of 15-20 players constantly."


forgot about the FAL. we had just picked that up a few minutes prior. we had no idea who killed us. if i had known i would have came into TS and laughed at what had just happened.

...Wait... How the hell did you find this minute PRIOR?! Did you go to another server, pick up some loot, then server hop over? I... you.... FNFAL's only spawn at chopper crashes. So there... is no way... I... what... is this...

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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"Low populated Server"

-Checks GameServer Ranks, Last 24hour players for US128.-

"Rank went from 180, to 91st out of several thousand DayZ servers."


"People in the last 24 hours a steady amount of 15-20 players constantly."


...Wait... How the hell did you find this minute PRIOR?! Did you go to another server, pick up some loot, then server hop over? I... you.... FNFAL's only spawn at chopper crashes. So there... is no way... I... what... is this...

your server had ~10 players at the time. to me that classifies as low-pop. thats why we picked it. our goal is to get gear like your guys have and then have some fun. we found a chopper crash on the server we had been playing on all day. but that server crashed. anyway, to the two guys actually involved in the engagement, well played, and thanks for the good words ooski.

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we found a chopper crash on the server we had been playing on all day.

Then you didn't find the FN FAL minute prior.... Okay. I think I am done replying to you. Its just a train-wreck of misinformation.

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Then you didn't find the FN FAL minute prior.... Okay. I think I am done replying to you. Its just a train-wreck of misinformation.

do you want me to email you a SITREP and my squad's daily activity report? after playing all day and my guys constantly switching weapons (we are better geared now), forgive me if i don't have minute-by-minute recollection.

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moejoe aka your first kill was afk and came back to a YOU ARE DEAD screen. not sure if that was the point man you're talking about. we DID just spawn in. don't act like it was something else. we had been on a server that had crashed and joined a low-pop one (yours) to try to get more loot at stary. i did the best i could given the situation by just moving away from there and trying to save my guys.

Wait, so one can stand and move arround WHILE beeing afk..

Shit man, can you teach me?

I saw Moejoe running to the spot where one usually scouts the novy sobor hill and plains for chopper crashes, and the second he runs there and turns to spot the field i kill him.

any other excuses you would like to try?

I liked the one where you said you got killed by a guy who spawned in 20meters behind you, when he was 5meters to your 9'0 clock, and would have shined like a BRIGHT RED dot on your peripheral...

If You spawned behind us, you would have been lucky, as we don't generally log out near hotspots like that, but this time it was an emergency, and we were gone for only a few minutes.

And i like this: we had just picked that up a few minutes prior.

So you pick something up a few minutes prior to the shootout, im thinking perhaps you looted a choppercrash behind Starysobor, because it's like 20 known spots in the area arround Novy/Stary Sobor?

And you then server hopped to try your luck on another server again?

Next time i want you to serverhop inside the north barracks at NWAF.

Don't worry i won't shoot, but i will be there and fraps it.

All credibility you could have had is gone mate.

You just massacred whatever you had going for you, as we scouted no choppercrashes in that area, on our server at the time.

thanks for making my statement ring more true however.

Here, have some beans! - On second thought, beans have been withdrawn, you have no valid statements to come with, beyond self contradicting your last post.

Do feel free to come back when you have manned up.

Edited by Zantiago

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do you want me to email you a SITREP and my squad's daily activity report? after playing all day and my guys constantly switching weapons (we are better geared now), forgive me if i don't have minute-by-minute recollection.

No, I just don't want you to make any claims because every other post you do is a direct contradiction of one of your previous posts.

However, feel free to send me a SITREP of your movements so I can monitor them with my clan.

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No, I just don't want you to make any claims because every other post you do is a direct contradiction of one of your previous posts.

However, feel free to send me a SITREP of your movements so I can monitor them with my clan.

Trololol :)

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Wait, so one can stand and move arround WHILE beeing afk..

Shit man, can you teach me?

I saw Moejoe running to the spot where one usually scouts the novy sobor hill and plains for chopper crashes, and the second he runs there and turns to spot the field i kill him.

any other excuses you would like to try?

I liked the one where you said you got killed by a guy who spawned in 20meters behind you, when he was 5meters to your 9'0 clock, and would have shined like a BRIGHT RED dot on your peripheral...

If You spawned behind us, you would have been lucky, as we don't generally log out near hotspots like that, but this time it was an emergency, and we were gone for only a few minutes.

And i like this: we had just picked that up a few minutes prior.

So you pick something up a few minutes prior to the shootout, im thinking perhaps you looted a choppercrash behind Starysobor, because it's like 20 known spots in the area arround Novy/Stary Sobor?

And you then server hopped to try your luck on another server again?

Next time i want you to serverhop inside the north barracks at NWAF.

Don't worry i won't shoot, but i will be there and fraps it.

All credibility you could have had is gone mate.

You just massacred whatever you had going for you, as we scouted no choppercrashes in that area, on our server at the time.

thanks for making my statement ring more true however.

Here, have some beans!

apparently you guys can't read. we were on another server (NOT YOURS) just A FEW MINUTES BEFORE WE JOINED YOURS. there was a chopper crash near novy ON THE OTHER SERVER. we found a FN FAL there then ran to the hills north of stary to get overwatch on the camping hill before moving down. then the OTHER SERVER crashed. we joined YOUR SERVER. we spawned in. we died.

my guy told me he was AFK when he died. since we live in seperate states, i didn't see his monitor. gotta trust my guy. if you honestly believe we were just sitting there within arms reach of each other looking down at stary for a few minutes, i don't know what to say.

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apparently you guys can't read. we were on another server (NOT YOURS) just A FEW MINUTES BEFORE WE JOINED YOURS. there was a chopper crash near novy ON THE OTHER SERVER. we found a FN FAL there then ran to the hills north of stary to get overwatch on the camping hill before moving down. then the OTHER SERVER crashed. we joined YOUR SERVER. we spawned in. we died.

my guy told me he was AFK when he died. since we live in seperate states, i didn't see his monitor. gotta trust my guy. if you honestly believe we were just sitting there within arms reach of each other looking down at stary for a few minutes, i don't know what to say.

You really do not know how clans work do you. they always scout out the hill to make sure no one is there before going down and they where not spawn camping as there is no real way to spawn camp in dayz.

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apparently you guys can't read.


-Checks to see if he posted anything in his statement about his location on the FN FAL.-

forgot about the FAL. we had just picked that up a few minutes prior. we had no idea who killed us. if i had known i would have came into TS and laughed at what had just happened.

-Appears nothing he said about the FN FAL was remotely related to either being on the server, or not on the server.-

Sorry, we can't read minds.

Then your friend AFK's when signing in, dies while afk minutes prior to coming into the server, when all the guys in the video appear to be moving and returning fire.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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