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Would be neat and add more interest to survival. Its not that far out, nukes got put down by the dozen in the EW campaign. Could also add some sort of convincing back story to the massive amount of zombies around Chernarus.

How could this be implemented?

Have random patches of radiation that change every day to simulate winds, add a blur effect until they get out of the random small patches of radiation and increase risk of infection by 50% for 6 hours if in radiation for more then 5 minutes. Geiger counters at markets and off mil zombies.

Yeah whatever, haters gonna hate. :)

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Sounds horrible just like the temperature and cold thing that is implemted in 1.5.8.

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Sounds horrible just like the temperature and cold thing that is implemted in 1.5.8.

What you don't like making it hard to survive?

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Would hate to have this implemented haha.

But this should of been in the suggestion forum.

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iHax is right, and moved.

Frankly, I think the temp feature AND a radiation feature would be overkill.

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One or the other definitely.

Having radiation on top of temperature might make it a bit too much. Out of the two, temperature, I feel, is the more appropriate.

And I'm usually an advocate of increasing the challenge in this mod >.>

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temp isn't hard to avoid. Just light a fire or sit in a building. Or just idle in your car for a minute or two.

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I like this idea better than temp. You'd have to use anti-radiation meds to stay in areas with high/medium radiation, and maybe you could even find a suit or something to allow you to go into really high rad areas that have sweet gear, but maybe you can't shoot or your movement is impaired? And forests are generally more safe? And if you're carrying water or meat into a high rad area, it gets poisoned and you have to drop it.

Another use for blood transfusions also would be treating radiation sickness.

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This is a Zombie survival game.

Not Stalker or Fallout 3.

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This is a Zombie survival game.

Not Stalker or Fallout 3.

Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

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Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population' date=' now infected with the disease[/quote']

Right off the front page of the website, gg

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Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population' date=' now infected with the disease[/quote']

Right off the front page of the website, gg

I don't get it.. trying to be retarded or cheeky? Its a mere suggestion you dolt. You're almost as bad as the people on Battlelog forums.

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Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population' date=' now infected with the disease[/quote']

Right off the front page of the website, gg

I don't get it.. trying to be retarded or cheeky? Its a mere suggestion you dolt. You're almost as bad as the people on Battlelog forums.

It's already an infection, bad luck m8

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Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population' date=' now infected with the disease[/quote']

Right off the front page of the website, gg

I don't get it.. trying to be retarded or cheeky? Its a mere suggestion you dolt. You're almost as bad as the people on Battlelog forums.

It's already an infection, bad luck m8

Herpaderp and this is a reason to avoid making the game harder and more atmospheric? ALPHA, things can be changed in the ALPHA, GG.

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Where did all the zombies come from? Radiation would make sense + make the game more atmospheric.

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population' date=' now infected with the disease[/quote']

Right off the front page of the website, gg

I don't get it.. trying to be retarded or cheeky? Its a mere suggestion you dolt. You're almost as bad as the people on Battlelog forums.

It's already an infection, bad luck m8

Herpaderp and this is a reason to avoid making the game harder and more atmospheric? ALPHA, things can be changed in the ALPHA, GG.

No m8 it's been decided already and set in stone so bad luck with your idea better luck next time m8

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I could agree having some part of the map with radiation where you don't wish to stay for too long... However it might be a bit overkill...

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Right off the front page of the website' date=' gg


I don't get it.. trying to be retarded or cheeky? Its a mere suggestion you dolt. You're almost as bad as the people on Battlelog forums.

It's already an infection, bad luck m8

Herpaderp and this is a reason to avoid making the game harder and more atmospheric? ALPHA, things can be changed in the ALPHA, GG.

No m8 it's been decided already and set in stone so bad luck with your idea better luck next time m8

Then don't change 2 sentence description and backstory. No reason not to implement this, would add alot to gameplay and is far more interesting then Temp.

Moral of the story, you're either trolling or stupid or wait, just incredibly thick.

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Clearly you've played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Fallout, where radiation levels magically appeared on your HUD.

Do you have any idea how impossible it is to measure radiation levels? Even complicated geiger counters can only point to a vague measure, and have you ever seen one? Do you know how impossible is to survive in a radiated area? If you survive your journey out you'll most likely just have radiation illness for the rest of your life.

It's a bad idea to introduce this to the game.

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Clearly you've played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Fallout' date=' where radiation levels magically appeared on your HUD.

Do you have any idea how impossible it is to measure radiation levels? Even complicated geiger counters can only point to a vague measure, and have you ever seen one? Do you know how impossible is to survive in a radiated area? If you survive your journey out you'll most likely just have radiation illness for the rest of your life.

It's a bad idea to introduce this to the game.


Light radiation pockets, using a geiger counter would allow you to quickly get out before become to exposed.

This is a game not real life.

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I never understood why people link Zs and radiation...

Don't like the idea. Because if implemented in any realistic fashion what would happen is this:

- You'll never even realize you have been exposed to radiation, since you can't see, hear, taste, smell or feel it

- You'll start randomly vomiting, getting bloody diarrhea, be physically weaker

- Then you'll die

Radiation poisoning is a shitty way to die. And it doesn't lend itself to games, since it'll be just a lot of seemingly random death and people whining about them.

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I never understood why people link Zs and radiation...

Don't like the idea. Because if implemented in any realistic fashion what would happen is this:

- You'll never even realize you have been exposed to radiation' date=' since you can't see, hear, taste, smell or feel it

- You'll start randomly vomiting, getting bloody diarrhea, be physically weaker

- Then you'll die

Radiation poisoning is a shitty way to die. And it doesn't lend itself to games, since it'll be just a lot of seemingly random death and people whining about them.


This all takes time and you don't instantly die from light radiation pockets similar to the ones in the Ukraine. If you get out quickly you either won't get radiation sickness, or just mild dizzies.

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No thank you, bored of people suggesting ways to make the game even harder. What we need is suggestions to make the game even better.

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No thank you' date=' bored of people suggesting ways to make the game even harder. What we need is suggestions to make the game even [i']better.

and how would you do this? I assume you just sit in towns and shoot random people like a COD player. There needs to be more lonewolf survivor gameplay, I'm tired of just shooting people all day. Make it hard.. seriously the game is SO easy, how to win: spin 360 degrees and watch for nametags, see nametag then fire CZ shot at them and take their shit. Repeat.

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I never understood why people link Zs and radiation...

Don't like the idea. Because if implemented in any realistic fashion what would happen is this:

- You'll never even realize you have been exposed to radiation' date=' since you can't see, hear, taste, smell or feel it

- You'll start randomly vomiting, getting bloody diarrhea, be physically weaker

- Then you'll die

Radiation poisoning is a shitty way to die. And it doesn't lend itself to games, since it'll be just a lot of seemingly random death and people whining about them.


This all takes time and you don't instantly die from light radiation pockets similar to the ones in the Ukraine. If you get out quickly you either won't get radiation sickness, or just mild dizzies.

Well, I don't think that makes the idea any better. There's still no way to detect/avoid it, so it's random deaths and people whining about it. As for the low doses that don't affect you all that much: why simulate them at all if they don't affect you all that much?

I still think it's unnecessary and only brought up because it's "cool".

No thank you' date=' bored of people suggesting ways to make the game even harder. What we need is suggestions to make the game even [i']better.

and how would you do this? I assume you just sit in towns and shoot random people like a COD player. There needs to be more lonewolf survivor gameplay, I'm tired of just shooting people all day. Make it hard.. seriously the game is SO easy, how to win: spin 360 degrees and watch for nametags, see nametag then fire CZ shot at them and take their shit. Repeat.

Easy fix: play on servers with vet difficulty. No nametags there. Personally I think servers running this mod should all have nametags disabled.

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