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Ghillie suits and backpacks

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So I had the heavenly luck to find a ghillie suit.When i equipped it my backpack dissapeared from my back but I supposed that it is just invisible(just as the wiki says).When I opened it I had lost my big coyote pack(24 slots) and a small coyote pack had replaced it.

So is it just an unfortunate bug(lost my AK) or is this how ghillie suits work?

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Step 1 - Acquire Ghillie

Step 2 - Drop backpack

Step 3 - Put on Ghillie

Step 4 - Drop Duped backpack and pick up your old pack

Step 5 - Profit

This is your one stop guide for the use of Ghillies, thanks for reading.

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Both me and my friend last night found Ghillie suits and put them on no problem, no loss of backpacks or items at all. Most strange.

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