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My five minute survival

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So, today I freshly spawned and immediately ran inland. Before long I grabbed the attention of zombies. I think the patch broke them because they aggroed from half a mile away while I was crouched and in the brush with only two ticks in my vision indicator and zero or one tick in hearing(Walking slow). I ran and came across Balota airfield after losing the zombies. I then looked around, seen no one there and searched for weapons. There was nothing there, maybe a few pain killers but that's it. I climb on top of the tower look out at the open field and see a ghillie suit sniper spawn, look around and then run to the tower. I stay crouched incase he decides to kill me(He obviously didn't see me up there before he decided to run to the AF tower) for the hell of it. I turn around, guard the ladder up to the top of the tower and accidentally attack which caused noise. I wait around for a while looking out behind the hanger and see two snipers in ghillie suits zip across the forest being chased by twenty zombies and run far, far away. Two minutes later I climb down, go down the stairs inside the tower and see a zombie stuck on the first flight of stairs. I melee him which makes a gunshot sound next thing I hear someone on a mic in a thick British accent say "Don't shoot! I'm a friendly!" and he runs out from under the stairs. It's a guy in a ghillie suit with a sniper rifle and a decent pistol I reply "Yeah, sure. Fine." thinking the guy was decent enough to say he was friendly so hey, maybe he was just looking for stuff, and then walk away while he runs up the stairs onto the tower. I stop look out the back of the airfield and then run only to be shot in the back of the head by the very guy who freaked out screaming "I'm friendly" when I got too close to him.

I'm not annoyed that I got gimped by some loser i'm more fed up of having to start over and over from the very start area of the game with zero weapons, no food and no drinks, being forced to sniper camp spots in order to get food, water and maybe even a damn melee weapon(Which is horribly broken and inaccurate) to try and survive out there. I can understand if I chance across a bandit or series of bandits, fair enough but when you've a player or a group of players(Which is especially bad) camping spawn points and everywhere along the coast it just kills the game. I died probably five times in the start area of the game because of these kind of players. I don't really see them as bandits, I just see them as assholes. Banditry is a good thing(Personally I prefer the survivor approach) but people who deliberately camp freshly spawned players ruin it entirely and just destroy the game altogether.

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