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Fix disappearing corpses!!!

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I was in Electro today and took out a hacker. He had a mean ass looking sniper rifle and was wearing a skin I haven't seen before. He had no hat and was black with long dredloks. I shot him with a Lee Enfield in the ribs, then once he fell I shot him again in the head. I was about 10 steps away and walked up to loot and his corpse vanished. I know it was cause he disconnected.

Rocket needs to fix this so we can loot players after killing them. This has happned more than I can count in my 3 months of playing DayZ.

Would've really liked to get that hackers sniper rifle and see what other gear he had on him.

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in all the 3 months? o.O its only really been happening since 1.6.5ish or 1.7 era.... he knows about and doesnt need reminding lol

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Yeah. That's messed up Symptom.


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Yeah, some newbie DMR'd me on West Hill in Cherno, last night.

I turned to the right and put a 50 cal round into him. I went to loot his corpse to get some raw meat and that lil piddly faggler DC'd so I couldn't get his meat.

What kind of world are we living in when I can't get your meat... sheesh!

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in all the 3 months? o.O its only really been happening since 1.6.5ish or 1.7 era.... he knows about and doesnt need reminding lol

I know that he knows Asshat. Just saying what happened and how hackers shouldn't be able to get away with it. But thank you for reminding me how long it's been going on for. I already knew how long it had been happening, but good job for pointing it out again.

I guess to sum things up for you so you know the meaning behind my post....I am hoping that Rocket adds a delay to logging out rather than insta-log.

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how about you stop using the respawn button so the server isnt filled up with corpses so the killed in combat corpses stay :)=? good that this is fixed with or part fixed

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