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Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

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There seems to be no consistent way to fix it. I've fixed it before by changing video memory. I've made it better by changing other values. But every time it happens, the same solution I used before to fix it never fixes it again.

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strange thing this is.

On Friday it was artifacts/glitches all around.

-rebooted machine

-reinstalled battle eye

-rebooted again

-played a littlebit with video settings, then set everything back

and it seems yesterday the problem just disappeared:O

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Spent a few hours on this now. Shift numpad- "flush" usually makes it worse, alt-tabbing works for a friend, not for me, moving 200m away and coming back has caused this to happen after a while of it being fine so reverse might also happen. Best bet so far: get the heck in cover, wait 2 minutes to be sure nobody is trying to snipe your blind self, then restart the game.

The problem is that, either you may get reported for disconnecting during supposed combat, or more likely, due to logging in and out a lot until it's fixed, you may get kicked or even banned for suspected server hopping / lack of combat etiquette.

Vsync settings do not affect it for me, except also flushing/resetting the renderer, and more often than not changing that and changing it back(or not) also made it worse.

This is annoying, but definitely centred on 1 type of dead soldier.

Edited by sya

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The fix seems to be completely random. I have tried everything and nothing has worked consistently. It really seems to be totally random. Sometimes I load in and it looks fine; other times I load in and it looks like this.

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