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Starting Tactical DayZ Group

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I'm looking for some people to join up with that are fairly skilled and know how to handle themselves. In the future I would like to have a base camp, some vehicles and supplies. I would also like to conduct highly tactical raids on towns and maybe even player camps.

If you are interested reply to this post or message my on steam.

A name were considering is Tactical Team (TT)

ID: JoeDaBro

Edited by JoeDaBro

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I am currently a loner in-game. I have been in a few small clans/groups. I think we could work together, if you are okay with that. We can get this working if you are up for it. I am no noob, but can work with noobs or vets, whichever you are.

Edited by Texas Red

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Im looking for a team as well and have pretty good experience with the game, SteamID: newfie_deathstroke , ill send you a PM

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if you play in the evening time and have a set server then i'd more then happily join you man

steam id: trylan12

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Hi ya there, im recently getting into the game and would love to play with a team and learn new strategies. i learn quick and i can fly a mean chopper. I wouldnt mind having some friendly voices to talk to as well. It would beat getting picked off by snipers all the time. Though i have barley any experience. its ur choice.

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Look if you mena it and are serious, I currently am in possesion of a motrocycle, as well as a fair amount of supplies as well as a silenced m4 and m9. If you are genuine we can meet up on the server I play on, also have NV gogles.Also wanted to say that yes I have murdered others only currently one on my character, it was because I was fired upon first and I lucked out immensly to have bested this guy and got some rare items.

Edited by Abandonedcartoon

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I am also looking for a tactical group. A RL friend and I have become proficient at finding, repairing, and driving vehicles. We have stored many but eventually lose them due to lack of man power. We have the same goals. Let me know whats up. Skype: Omdubs

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I'd love to find a group who plays tactically. I just got into the game but I've gotten the hang of it. I'm tired of lone wolfing it, I want a group who can communicate. My skype is renaeX

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